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Many Singers are Abandoning Smule. They need HELP

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Due to concerns about stalking, I wanted to make you all aware of a change I just noticed. If you go into the settings in the Smule app, and scroll down to Privacy ... there is an option that says “Use my online status is lists”. If you hit the i beside it, it says “You can be shown as recently active to people you follow. For example, if “On” is selected, other users you follow are more likely to see your profile in a list of recommended invites to a Live Jam”. Those who are following this thread might want to know this as it caught me by surprise when I went in to clear my cache. Of course it is automatically turned on so I toggled it to “Off”.

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Thank you for the tip. Not that I am opposed to anyone joining a public Jam I may open, but I prefer not to be on the list of recommendations. I like it! 👍🏼

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Wow, I'm really appaled reading this.

This is the kind of things that go unnoticed for males. We travel life - and internet as the part of life it is - mostly unconcerned ... but women have to cope daily with this legion of suckers.

I had thought that harrashment in smule was a marginal problem, but know I see it's a great problem. It's just invisible for men, and an invisible problem is very hard to fix. That's one of the reasons gender parity is a good aim, it widens the point of view in any aspect of life.

I won't apologize for beign a man, but I do for being blind and unconscious.


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13 hours ago, BrainDad said:

Wow, I'm really appaled reading this.

This is the kind of things that go unnoticed for males. We travel life - and internet as the part of life it is - mostly unconcerned ... but women have to cope daily with this legion of suckers.

I had thought that harrashment in smule was a marginal problem, but know I see it's a great problem. It's just invisible for men, and an invisible problem is very hard to fix. That's one of the reasons gender parity is a good aim, it widens the point of view in any aspect of life.

I won't apologize for beign a man, but I do for being blind and unconscious.


Not all men are alike, as proven with your comment. I always try my best not to lump good men with bad, even though I, as others, find the situations to be quite traumatic, especially when the man lures outside parties, especially people they may feel are prominent people on the app, into the situation to gain credibility.  IT WORKS! I find it  disturbing that seemingly intelligent people fall for it, even though they do not even know the victim. They take a side regardless of not knowing both sides of the situation and assist the perpetrator. Therapists say this is how the typical narcissistic sociopath/psychopath operates, and the people they use to do their dirty work are called “apaths.” They are very good at manipulating the best of people. Yes, I went to a therapist because my bully and his apaths insisted I was the one who needed help. I thought what the heck. I will get checked out... No, I am perfectly sane. I was dealing with a certifiable narcissistic sociopath/psychopath. It still upsets me that he has gotten by with lying on me and caused great divisions, the hardest thing for me to let go. I despise a liar. His day will come, though. Karma forgets NOTHING! 

But yes, sadly situations as mentioned on this thread do occur more often than they should and places where they should not, such as a singing app! I came to Smule as a stress reliever from the real world. I intend to continue and try to enjoy it. So far so good, even if I have to remain anonymous 😊 

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Also, I see singing is an activity a with very high level of exposure. As I've experienced with other people in amateur singing, like me, we all have a vulnerable yet egocentric - not necesarily selfish - point. I use to joke with my singer friends about us all being a bit damaged goods.
This makes the singer the perfect victim for a bully.
When you are lead vocal in a band, you have to bear in mind that you are not more important than any of your partners. No one is worth more than anyone ... But you are usually placed in the center, like 80% of public eyes are set on you, you have to be also the showrunner, and try to act confident.
I supose all this circumstances, combined with this society sick of patriarchy, end with a lot of female singers bullied.

It's disgusting.

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I was a shrink for many years actually and what goes on here is no different than any other app or social media platform. When it comes to bullying men are no worse then women, actually women may be worse towards other women! I personally don’t take that stuff to heart because in reality this is an app and I am here to have fun and not deal with drama. What is concerning is the people that DO take it seriously and may not be completely stable, but that is true for every social media platform.

Then there are those who take advantage which infuriates me. Those who are more vulnerable are often easy to find and are targets. I don’t see any way to prevent this without people loosing overall freedom but maybe a better reporting system with faster action. 

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The professional I went to would never refer to himself as a “shrink” and I would not refer to him as such, either. Oh well ... If you’re comfortable being called a shrink then that’s all that matters. 😊 The doctor I told my situation to certainly took a different stance than you, but I guess professionals can be different  ... but you don’t know my situation, either. 

I am sharing my experience.  The bullies/psychopath/sociopaths are far more courageous behind their keyboards. Not really sure of what the guy is capable of if he lived near me, but we have taken precautions for that situation if God forbid it occurred.

And as for genders, yes, women can be as mean as men. His apaths tormented me, so I’ll agree with you totally on that comment. I can handle them and did, but if it ever came down to say a jury trial... I wouldn’t want to be him or any of them. 

Again, It is serious when the bully uses the Internet to hunt down family members and get his apaths to do it, as well.   That is exactly what happened to me, and I took it seriously and so did my family and the authorities. The bully hasn’t won or didn’t win. Little does or did the idiot know that leaving me alone and not discussing me or lying on me would prevent the back and forth. He can continue his predator behavior but don’t use me as a diversion. And I want to add the doctor told me those type of individuals thrive on attention, good or bad, so when I fought back he actually got  a thrill... o

We’ll just let him continue to live his own little delusional world with his apaths... They seem to be everywhere... Let’s SING on! Peace! ✌🏼😁

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Yes, of course I believe bully women can be as mean as bully men. 

My thought was more about this society, where there are very little probabilities of me being bullied in smule, but if I were a woman, this would be statistically very different. And if I happened to be hot ... the odds would balloon! ¬¬


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  • 4 months later...

So much to say. First of all, this app does nothing to stalkers or scammers. Said person has been reported multiple multiple times with harassing and threatening with proof and when he gets wind of this he manipulates the story just to get their profiles frozen however nothing happens to his. He was banned from Smule finally only to come back under different user name to continue to stalk and lure girls in. Over 10,000 extorted and videos and pics shared over social media. He uses the app to simply lure women in. That’s all. It is apparent with the amount of messages we receive back that women are literally terrified of him. Yes this is a singing app. But when you receive Multiple reports and screenshots of harrasment and threatening messages , as a company, and you let that person have control over freezing victims accounts, that is wrong. And don’t mention the block feature. If you are in a live jam with someone and it’s not your room they can still come in and harass you. Once again these screenshots will only cause Smule to Tell YOU to stop and makes it sound like they are supporting the person doing this. And they CAN comment on songs and can listen and watch. It’s a sore feature that def needs fixing. He has even convinced girls to leave and delete the app. It’s sick. It’s disturbing. And the victims have no say in removing this guy because they will be the ones threatened to be banned. For those of you who want to argue that you can ignore , you can’t. As soon as a girl says leave me alone , he will threaten right back. And there are charges filed in hometowns and detectives  Are well aware. All precautions are taken yet Smule backs him up every time. So don’t sit there and say ignore them, or let it go. You can’t from this guy. And its disturbing that Smule makes time to listen to him but ignores the hundreds of reports against him. 

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Exactly! They def are not providing a safe environment for anyone guys or girls. 

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TAKE LIVE JAM OFFLINE, TAKE COMMENTING AWAY FROM NON VIP'S, TAKE VIDEO OPTION AWAY FROM NON VIP'S. Why are we paying membership fee to protect ourselves? I acknowledge Smule cannot monitor everything,  so reduce incidence by eliminating in-app features as most of the sick things that are happening are from fake secondary accounts with no VIP. It will take another court-case before they do something!!!

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7 minutes ago, Traceyvv said:

TAKE LIVE JAM OFFLINE, TAKE COMMENTING AWAY FROM NON VIP'S, TAKE VIDEO OPTION AWAY FROM NON VIP'S. Why are we paying membership fee to protect ourselves? I acknowledge Smule cannot monitor everything,  so reduce incidence by eliminating in-app features as most of the sick things that are happening are from fake secondary accounts with no VIP. It will take another court-case before they do something!!!

Not Allowing Non VIP Members to either Comment or Record in Video Mode is a Brilliant Suggestion assuming Non VIP members are the harassing crowd. Understandably correct as one has to be a fool to use his VIP ID to harass other Smule members.

In all fairness, Smule is a Mobile Phone app and have software developers and management addressing problems raised by Members and trying to find solutions. I doubt if Smule is Monitoring any thing that is going on amongst a million members.  

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Well if you think about it...this so called "glitch" (aka landing strip) with live jams (which seems more intentional and could be fixed quickly) seems to be Smule's answer instead of getting rid of non VIPs ...I don't know why they just don't re-enable the camera feature in live jams on iOS which is really what is messed up and just only let VIPs access. If people want to pay to stalk at least they have a traceable account. Locking down the access publicly to anyone on a PC unless the LJ host wants that feature also is should be an option. People off smule should not have access, period, unless the person who made the OC or hosted the LJ shared it.

Smule does monitor because I've seen live jams get looped ...wouldn't happen if it wasn't being recorded somewhere else. This has happened in live jams I was in just the other day (like groundhog day over and over everytime I left and came back into the room) for about 15 min and the host had done 3 songs before the room had returned back to live...there were 5 of us having the same experience. 

I think they are addressing issues...but in a way that's punishing those that have done nothing wrong...back to what @Bethanne said... and I also agree with you @Traceyvv


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I don’t understand why the privacy feature doesn’t work for some of you. Set the Live Jams on private. I have never had a problem with trolls (or stalkers) when I am private, reason I use it. People can see through a browser but only if your  Live Jams are public, and I am sure the Big Brothers of Smule can see everything. 😂 Seriously,  use the privacy feature, unless it’s jacked up, and I am missing something. Before I would worry about it, I would put it on private or forget it. But that’s just me.

Happy Singing and have a Happy Thanksgiving! 

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On 11/18/2019 at 3:01 PM, Bethanne said:

First of all, this app does nothing to stalkers or scammers.

I can certainly relate - been there - but if the harassment is bad enough and I don’t doubt you, seek help outside the app. Also read Smule’s guidelines. I think the company now advises the same. Contact law enforcement and be persistent! 

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It is disturbing Smule froze the victim’s account. Fortunately that didn’t happen to me. When it happen to me I chose to leave on my own. I am pretty tough, so I returned. I realize not everyone is as strong. 🙏🏼

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After thinking about what you posted I never understood either why certain people want to believe predators over victims, but predators are brilliant at manipulation and good at convincing. They are desperate not to get caught. I am not easily manipulated, one reason the predator came at me hard. The more credible you are, the harder they try to discredit the victim, but rest assured not everyone will be smitten or brainwashed by them. They will crumble in time. 

I have inserted a link to a story about this subject my husband sent me today. There is a real problem among Apps, and it just isn’t Smule. 


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My post on scammers and fakers was unnecessary after reading your posts on this topic. 😂 I now see that this a problem for a lot of us on Smule.  I’ll continue to enjoy using Smule.  I’ve learned to spot the dregs of society quite easily now and have found some great members who are on Smule for the reasons intended.  Singing has always been a source of comfort for me and appreciate this app for providing a place for me to unwind and relax.  

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On 8/14/2019 at 4:46 AM, PeacefulJoin said:

Hey, Crazy,

How do you know when someone is watching through a computer? I’ve always known it can be done, but is there a way to know when the perpetrators are doing it, and why would anyone want to do it? How did you find out someone was watching you? I think I probably have been watched in the past, but I hope I am not thinking too highly of myself.  I don’t mind anyone creeping if I have whatever on public, and they’re just wanting entertainment (not that I am that entertaining), but you have piqued my interest. Setting everything to private should remedy it, correct? Unless they’re a hacker, which is a whole other topic.  

ThankI you! 😁

I know because I have done it to test out how easy it is to on using different accounts in live jams on private and public settings after I had serious incidents of stalking to the point where the person knew way to much personal info and was using geo-profiling on my account and not a smule user (I found out who it was). Some people on the computer are easy to detect...people confuse them with "bots" but they are computer users.

As for private...if you start it in private its not so much an issue, but if you set it to private after you open a room in public, anyone who had been in your room previously can come back. Also anyone in your room can invite. So someone can send a link outside and people can watch. Smule also promotes this with FB watch parties as well (as an example). You have control of who is in your room but not necessarily who sees in the end.  It isn't hacking, but it isn't necessarily advertised either. 

I also know when I have been watched when people have come in to my live jams and tell me what I was doing before they were technically "in the live jam" which is probably the creepiest experience I have encountered...creepier than threats...just knowing people are watching you and lurking only to come in and tell you is twisted...

I have come to the realization there are a lot of weirdos...I don't let them get to me...I don't personally want to live my entire life on private but I do take precautions on what "public" persona is out there and I basically have created a Smule person and keep it separate from my personal accounts which has been the best thing for me. But, people are on this app for different reasons. I am here for fun, other people want there Smule accounts tied to personal accounts, so it depends what works for that person. So I guess I am publicly private lol.

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  • 1 year later...

Some people even got death threats on smule.just because they were being jealous. You better believe it. Its a crazy world we're live in

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A Lady Doctor in USA recorded a few invites and because of Covid Work pressure she was unable to respond to each and every person who joined. There was one irate man, who told the doctor, If you don't have the time to listen to people who join your invites then don't send invites blah Blah Blah. She tried to explain and he continued his tirade . I stepped in and asked him " Would you like me to Report you to Smule and Have you banned"  Just a blind threat ( not that I could do any thing) . It worked like Magic though. The man just unfollowed the lady and disappeared for ever ". This is just Karaoke and I cannot understand such human behaviour and egos

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3 minutes ago, _RamKrish1012 said:

A Lady Doctor in USA recorded a few invites and because of Covid Work pressure she was unable to respond to each and every person who joined. There was one irate man, who told the doctor, If you don't have the time to listen to people who join your invites then don't send invites blah Blah Blah. She tried to explain and he continued his tirade . I stepped in and asked him " Would you like me to Report you to Smule and Have you banned"  Just a blind threat ( not that I could do any thing) . It worked like Magic though. The man just unfollowed the lady and disappeared for ever ". This is just Karaoke and I cannot understand such human behaviour and egos

Then again some people just wanted to sing. They don't expect anyone's respond at all. 

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@ssmita had posted a message on this forum regarding a fraudster who is a verified singer but the post was deleted. 

I have provided multiple evidences of abuse on smule platform by this fraudster to smule support. Smule has not taken any action and instead chooses to freeze account of people who talk about him. @ssmita's post was deleted as well without informing her. This forum seems to be a waste of time for issues like this.

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4 hours ago, singhna said:

@ssmita had posted a message on this forum regarding a fraudster who is a verified singer but the post was deleted. 

I have provided multiple evidences of abuse on smule platform by this fraudster to smule support. Smule has not taken any action and instead chooses to freeze account of people who talk about him. @ssmita's post was deleted as well without informing her. This forum seems to be a waste of time for issues like this.

Assume Smule has checked and Verified this singer and want to make a hero of the man to draw more membership. so it is a commercial decision they want to defend . Who knows what Smule Policies are. Policing ios often difficult and they need to evaluate both sides of the story and this may not be possible when there are millions of members


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