How to cancel your Sing.Salon subscription
A Sing.Salon supporter subscription runs for one year. After that it will renew automatically. But you can cancel it anytime and we will also send you an email before the subscription renews. Below we explain how you can cancel your subscription. Please follow these steps if you don’t have any use for the subscription anymore.
Important: You have to cancel the subscription on our website. Never try to reverse an already made payment through your bank or payment provider like PayPal. This would be a fraudulent action and we would be hit with significant chargeback fees, which we could legally ask you to pay back to us in addition to the renewal fee itself. So it ultimately creates more costs.Â
Cancelling your subscription:
- Open the Store menu
- click on Manage Purchases
- There will be a list of active subscriptions. Click on the title of the current Supporter subscription.
- On the details page, click on “Cancel Renewals”.Â