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  1. Today
  2. Appreciate you testing for me.. and others I did send a message via in App help .. but I will use that form you sent šŸ‘šŸ¼
  3. Yes very weird and a new things Iā€™ve noticed ā€¦ maybe last week or so
  4. I can replicate it. Sounds like a bug. Checking out an invite should not make you follow that user. Best to report it to Smule with the steps that you have given. Feel free to say other users have confirmed it. šŸ˜‰ https://smule.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000261133
  5. SingingFool

    Has your singing improved on Smule?

    This is a great question! After singing for so long on smule, I would hope so but itā€™s hard to be objective about your own voice. And thatā€™s also the benefit of singing in Smule community because of the feedback you can get. Iā€™ve had people tell me I sing louder and with more confidence now. And theyā€™ll praise certain aspects of my singing and not other aspects so I can gauge my strengths & my weak spots. šŸ˜‰ I think my limited range has improved just slightly because I started to sing songs that I wouldnā€™t dare touch before. But there are also natural setbacks such as my voice getting a little lower with age. I only noticed it when I listened to my old recordings and my voice sounded higher & sweeter but I donā€™t think that canā€™t be helped.
  6. That is very odd! And shady! I checked my inbox for the people Iā€™m not following and at the bottom of their message is an option to block, delete or follow. It shouldnā€™t make you follow someone involuntarily. i donā€™t know why this should matter but do you have VIP? Wondering if that somehow is related.
  7. SingingFool

    Bug fixes needed ASAP!!

    I just had that problem on my iPad mini for one song. So I switched to my iPhone 13 and the same song was then fine. Random and intermittent yes.
  8. Hi, Iā€™m new to Sing Salon.. not sure if this is the correct area for this ? Itā€™s regarding message on iOS app. Until recently if I had ā€œmessage requestsā€ messages from unfollowed users, I could read them and that was that. But now if I read them they get switched to my ā€œfriendsā€ tab in messages area. I was like huh ?! Where did it go ? Anyway, when I click their profile pic it now says Iā€™m following them ! Why ? I didnā€™t follow them ! As a side note .. my followed users count doesnā€™t increase.. So am I following or not ! Either way has anyone else had this or maybe try it and see Thanks Terry
  9. The Minty Clinch

    Bug fixes needed ASAP!!

    Maybe the wrong thread, but has anyone had a problem with slight delay on iOS since the new upgrade? Itā€™s reminiscent of old Android when you had to adjust for the delays (maybe still does but I donā€™t use android now) Seems random and intermittent, like all the most annoying bugs.
  10. Last week
  11. Wishchip

    How do you get to be DuetOfTheWeek?

    I was thinking about this today (as I often do every Monday when Smule releases their DOTW feature and it's the same old thing, week after week). I certainly don't begrudge how DOTW is picked these days. There's no way a single person can sift through hundreds of recordings every week just to feature a duet that will get a few thousand views and which will garner a few new followers for the winners. So I understand how it's easier to simply limit the focus to official Smule uploads and to then filter using the hashtags for the most popular groups. Because the DOTW chooser is bound to find something usable pretty quickly that way. Once they using those filters, they can either sort Recordings by Most Recent or Invites by Closing Soon and they can find something decent in under 5 minutes. Is it the fairest way to select Duet of the Week? No, but it's the fastest way of picking something they're familiar with and which will ensure a certain type of quality they're looking for. Frankly, if I were tasked with choosing DOTW week after week, that's probably how I'd do it too.
  12. Earlier
  13. Duets.fm

    How to block a Smule user who blocked me?

    I just tested this. Like I suspected, blocking is implicitly mutual. So, they cannot see your profile.
  14. For the full effect (e.g. automatically following a face/person), the video recording app would need to support the gimbal, which isnā€™t the case with Smule. Without this support, Iā€™m not sure what we could do with it in Smule ā€“ unless you get a camera person circling around you while you sing. šŸ˜‰
  15. Has anyone experimented on putting your phone on a gimbal or video stabilizer and recording on smule? Would love to see some. I tried to search for it, but not able to find any. I bought a DJ Osmo Mobile 6 for another project, but wondering if other used it for Smule.
  16. Isa_Bella

    Any advice? Or help me to increase followers?

    Very well said and totally AGREE.šŸ‘šŸ‘
  17. After some time on Smule, here are some tips I recommend to get joins and more followers: 1. Open popular songs. Use video. Be emotive, sincere and welcoming. Smile a lot! šŸ˜Š 2. Don't show off your vocal prowess! Don't try to impress! You will only intimidate potential followers. Be humble, make mistakes, be human. Be yourself. 3. Adjust your volume. Especially when joining, lower your volume. Don't out volume your OCs or joins. Let your followers shine. Be considerate and supporting. On Smule, I've seen amazing singers with amazing voices who only get a few joins. Whereas, normal singers with normal voices, have so many followers and joins. The difference is that these regular singers, more often than not, are sincere, humble and truly enjoy singing for fun, and making a human connection in that brief 4 to 5 minutes of a song. šŸ‘šŸ˜Š
  18. E_L_E

    Has your singing improved on Smule?

    Yes, it has, especially when you Sing the same song a thousand times, LOL šŸ˜‚ On Smule, I learned how to use my head voice, which increased my range, and also how to use vocal fry and other techniques to develop my own singing style. I listened to so many great singers on Smule and copied, imitated and adopted what I liked about their singing. I'm still learning and loving every moment of it.
  19. SingingTaina

    How to block a Smule user who blocked me?

    Thank you for your detailed answer. Since I can't do anything about it, I'll leave it as is. It's a pity that Smule doesn't have such an option as mutual blocking.
  20. SingingTaina

    How to block a Smule user who blocked me?

    I can't access this profile because I'm blocked. Thank you for responding.
  21. opentype

    How to block a Smule user who blocked me?

    You would have to contact Smule support if you canā€™t access their profile. Personally, I wouldnā€™t bother though. A person who blocked you has taken the ultimate step not to see your content anymore. So they are less likely to visit your profile than any other Smule user. And if they really wanted to, they could open your profile on the Smule website as a guest, even when blocked. So, there is very little to achieve.
  22. Glen_Craig

    Any advice? Or help me to increase followers?

    Join loads and open loads of oc's
  23. Glen_Craig

    How to block a Smule user who blocked me?

    Go to their profile and look for block option
  24. Glen_Craig

    Has your singing improved on Smule?

    Yes a little
  25. jopires

    Chipmunk-type sounds assed to my recordings

    Thanks! I will keep your advice for when I decide to try a new mic!
  26. How to block a user if he/she already blocked me? I don't want this person to look at my page.
  27. MadameArtichoke

    Any advice? Or help me to increase followers?

    All of this checks out. Iā€™ve noticed duet of the week is the same kind of song, same kind of vocal profile and the same kind of people being selected. Itā€™s kind of weird. I have been featured a few times on the ā€œrecommended for youā€ and ā€œtrendingā€ and have been on Smule for 8 years but only started gaining followers over the past two years and Iā€™m not even at 10k yet. I donā€™t suck lol
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