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  1. Today
  2. DuetWithAlli

    Smule blog: iOS Testing of Potential Updated Feed Player

    @_Joe_Church_ Oh, yes, I had forgotten about the initial shock factor! Had my volume turned up all the way and hit the Feed. I’m with you there as far as the usefulness and likelihood that I’ll use it more than I used it before. And also, I appreciate your approach to who you follow and sing with on Smule. @Wishchip ok that is hilarious! Made me lol for real 😂 Nailed it! I feel like the gifts are buried under 50 feet of snow too though, regardless of which tab they’re found under. I stopped sending paid gifts because who knows if the recipient is going to do all of the digging required to find them. News is funny because it’s mostly just recycled crap you can easily find under other useless tabs all gathered into one convenient spot. I’d think there has to be a better way to communicate new features? Like I seem to recall that at some point they a little message box would pop up before you started singing a song, telling you to check out the new feature, maybe even upon opening the app?
  3. If I had to put the tabs in order of usefulness, it would look like this: 1. Activity - for notifications and invites. News is there too, but it's the least useful feature within the most useful tab. Maybe that's why its existence is so hilarious to me. 2. Profile - for bookmarked invites and to clear the dot for recent gifts through the About section. 3. Songbook - I see it the most because it's the default screen on app startup, but I never actually use it. Thank goodness we can customize what we see there at least. FIFTY FEET OF SNOW 4. Explore - If I ever check this page, it's to validate my views on how Smule will feature the same 20 users and/or members of the same 5 groups over and over and over again. 5. Feed - the Explore tab is already useless, and Smule wants me to navigate further left to check out an even less useful tab? Hahaha, no thanks. And this update makes it sound even worse.
  4. Yesterday
  5. RaShMee

    Bug fixes needed ASAP!!

    Happens to me all the time when I try to play very old joins - the spinning wheel of doom, but isn’t followed by the NSURL error. Mine just pretends as though nothing happened 😂 then I click again and the spinning wheel of doom appears again for a few seconds then goes back to pretend nothing happened 🤣
  6. Last week
  7. DuetWithAlli

    Smule blog: iOS Testing of Potential Updated Feed Player

    That’s the one! Lol … Yeah, I’ve never been much of a fan of the Feed tab. I feel like watching the Feed could make a person crazy. I’m just happy to know that everyone has the option of not seeing invites they didn't ask for from people they’re not following.
  8. The Feed tab? The one way over on the left that I never go to? Haha, good I can just ignore this "feature" then too.
  9. DuetWithAlli

    Smule blog: Performance Testing of New Tipping Feature

    Yeah, moving the gifts to where you have to go through several steps to find them, didn’t make much sense. This might make slightly more sense. Lol
  10. SingingFool

    Smule blog: Performance Testing of New Tipping Feature

    ”We will take down TikTok! World Domination…We will stop at NOTHING!” [cue in maniacal laughter] 😆😂🤣
  11. SingingFool

    Smule blog: Performance Testing of New Tipping Feature

    Maybe the Smoola was different from ad viewing -earned “currency” on video games because the revenue Smule gained was connected to the use of songs (which are under a copyright/licensing contracts)? Some kind of violation of whatever contract Smule has with the recording artists/ companies? That might be why tipping goes directly to users with Smule making it absolutely clear that they make no additional profit from the tipping transaction. Similarly, I was wondering why Smule moved the gifts 🎁⭐️👍🏽away from the duet and onto our individual profiles. Maybe it is also to distance what profit (smule is making from gift-giving) away from the songs & only visible to you on the “About” part of your profile. Sorta hidden. 🤔
  12. SingingFool

    Bug fixes needed ASAP!!

    After I commented last night, I encountered a similar sich where I got the NSURL error message for some of my joins on a 3 year old OC. I could only access about half of the joins and half would have the duets were spinning & showing the NSURL error message. I thought they’d been deleted. But this morning I tried again and was able to access all of the joins just fine. So I guess you were right…probably just a glitch. Hopefully you are now able to access the duets that you couldn’t? I’ve just come to accept that these are the mysterious ways of Smule.
  13. _Joe_Church_

    Smule blog: iOS Testing of Potential Updated Feed Player

    I find it a horrible experience. I click on it and people start singing, I have to turn down the volume, it's so loud. Unless I know the song I don't even know what they're singing because the title appears in a little square that I can barely see. I'm not going to open the "for you" tab in my life, although I don't sing lately I have had the good habit of following only those who have joined me at least once in the past. I only sing to those and if I sing and they don't comment anything in a week, not even a "Thank you", I automatically assume they have no interest and I stop following them (with some exceptions).
  14. DuetWithAlli

    Smule blog: iOS Testing of Potential Updated Feed Player

    Oooh, I just noticed today that I have this. I rarely use the feed anyway, just happened to look because it said there was something new. Under the Feed tab, I can toggle between “Following” and “For You”. So if I leave it on “Following”, I see the activities of my followees, minus all of the random invites and junk that Smule is always trying to push on me. I love this! I don’t notice any changes to the other tabs. Sorry @Wishchip the News tab is still there.
  15. Now, I have heard people say they’d like to be able to delete singers from their group songs because they didn’t adjust their volume and drowned everyone else out. But I thought the opener always had the ability to delete joiners. Maybe that had changed over time? Or maybe this new feature gives new finer levels of adjustment? Wow! Thanks, Smule!
  16. I'd be curious to see where the new "For You" and "Following" tabs are in the app, and if they're replace anything (fingers crossed for the News tab getting the boot). "For You" sounds largely useless to me, as I don't need to see more recommendations from Smule. And I don't know how useful "Following" would be if I'm already receiving invites in the Activity section of the app. And hooooo boy I've seen some screenshots and videos of the new "intuitive design" and it looks absolutely awful. I can't imagine they'll keep that for very long, given some users' initial feedback.
  17. A lot of people claim to have been clamouring for something like this for awhile, but I literally have never heard these requests until this feature was announced. But then again, I don't tend to dabble in group songs (because who has the TIIIIIIME), so I'm likely just not paying attention to the people who were asking for this. This is technically something Smule has been able to do for awhile. They're just giving users the ability to do it themselves, for better or worse. In fact, a number of the "features" they've rolled out in the last few months (removing joins, profile stats, searching in profile, etc) aren't "new" at all. It's just that Smule has finally let users do some things themselves.
  18. DuetWithAlli

    Smule blog: Performance Testing of New Tipping Feature

    @SingingFool I’m not 100% sure on the reasoning for removing “Smoola” from circulation. I’m pretty sure i remember Smule blaming it on Apple policy, though. It never made sense to me, either, as I also played games that allowed watching ads for in-game help. Maybe it is what you said? The last one, the answer is yes.
  19. We’re thrilled to announce that we’re testing an Updated Feed Player, with the goal of enhancing your experience, discovery, and personalized recommendations. For now, the testing phase will involve iOS users only. The Updated Feed Player is designed to transform how you explore and enjoy performances, with the introduction of two dynamic tabs: ‘For You’ and ‘Following’. View the full article on the Smule blog
  20. The Minty Clinch

    Bug fixes needed ASAP!!

    No, it’s my upload and it’s not deleted; I can still use it.
  21. SingingFool

    Smule blog: Performance Testing of New Tipping Feature

    I’ve also been around long enough to remember doing that very thing when I didn’t have VIP (watching videos to be able to post OCs) and I also didn’t know it was called Smoola. I wonder why Apple banned the practice? I still watch ads on other apps to be able to play some video games and such. Isn’t that the same thing? Was it something to do with Smule having its own currency? I mean is that somehow wrong? 🤔 Was Smoola the evil currency by which the Sonic Mule would disrupt financial systems and build its empire?! 🫣😆 (serious questions except the last one.)
  22. SingingFool

    Bug fixes needed ASAP!!

    Are these songs that you posted an OC for? Or are they songs in which you joined someone else’s OC? I ask because I see that same error “NSURL error domain error -1001” on a lot of duets I lost in the category of I joined someone who let their VIP lapse and they were victims of the Great Smule Purge of 2023 (in which Smule deleted many OCs of inactive Non-VIPs along with all the joins). I’m not sure if that error message comes up on the songs deleted for licensing issues. (I think I’m going to start screenshotting the different error messages and one day ask some smart techie person what they mean 🤓. Or maybe there are people on here who already know.) In any case, sorry that happened to you.
  23. If you buy it on iTunes, you can link three accounts to the same vip subscription (family sharing). I assume it’s the same if you buy it on Playstore, but can’t confirm this. How it works with my Apple devices is to log into a non-vip account, go into the settings and select “I am already a vip — Restore” and follow through with whatever I’m prompted to do. I don’t think it will matter which of your phones you use to create a new account. I have had multiple devices and logged accounts in and out. But again, you might want to wait for a second opinion on this, to confirm.
  24. DuetWithAlli

    Smule blog: Performance Testing of New Tipping Feature

    This is what I thought, too. Smile + Music = Smule
  25. DuetWithAlli

    Smule blog: Performance Testing of New Tipping Feature

    Oh! I didn’t know it was called “Smoola”, but I’ve been around long enough to remember when users could use coins (from watching ads, if I recall) to purchase songs they could open without having vip. But I believe Apple banned that practice, which is why Smule removed it.
  26. Wow. There will probably be a few control freaks who will like this feature, but I feel like it’ll piss off a whole lot of people. If there’s one thing that pisses me off on Smule, it’s having my work deleted by someone other than myself. Good thing it’s extremely rare that I join group songs.
  27. With the addition of the ‘Remove Joins’ feature, you’ll have the freedom to hand- select specific layers or remove all or as many as you’d like with just a few clicks. We get it – sometimes you just need to make some adjustments amid a group performance, and that’s exactly what this feature allows you to do. View the full article on the Smule blog
  28. The Minty Clinch

    Bug fixes needed ASAP!!

    Is this a bug that anyone else is experiencing? When trying to play some old songs I get the spinning wheel of doom as it tries and fails to optimise recording, then gives up with “NSURL error domain error -1001” cited. It’s definitely random as other joins on that song will play.
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