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Many Singers are Abandoning Smule. They need HELP

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I have been a VIP member for 18 months. I have seen many talented singers Quit Smule for Ever in the last 18 months. Mostly women who are unable to cope with their popularity and new found stardom and the inability to post comments to 100 or 200 singers per invite. Something needs to be done to protect members who are talented singers from Bullying and harassment for other members. Sending one message to thank all the Joiners is not the answer either Joiners still expect the sender of Invites to respond with comments.

Here are two examples as of Today the 21st May 2019 for example

JAYACHITRA29 .    Very very Talented & Professional Individual. Has 10,740 FOLLOWERS, FOLLOWS 198 AND HAS RECORDED 141K SONGS, but has not recorded one song for the last 8 months. About 6 months ago she sent an Open Mic Message asking people not to harass her as she was unable to cope. I did tell her not to bother and to report harassers to Smule Authorities..

falsetto_v     has 3667 followers, she follows 120 members and has recorded 13.5K songs. Read the message on her profile page where she says she cannot sing on Smule any more. Her last song was 1 day ago.

Feel extremely sorry for these ladies who just want some clean fun singing. 

They need HELP from SMULE

Biggest help will be some clever change in FORMATS of joining invites or ability to get rid of Followers who get on their nerves

If any of my Followers give me a head ache I should be able to do more than Block them. Id like to purge them completely so they cannot access my profile and recordings. I have not BLOCKED anyone ever, so Forgive me I am not sure what happens when you Block someone.


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Honestly I think this is exactly what a block is for, to stop users from harassing or annoying you. The block feature on Smule is somewhat lame in that it doesn’t stop someone from viewing your profile or recordings ... but it stops contact. If you block a user, that user is no longer following you, will receive an error message if he/she tries to follow you again, and will no longer receive your invites. You will not receive messages from this user. You will not receive notifications if this user loves or comments on your recordings. Oddly enough, the blocked user is still able to love and comment on your recordings, you just won’t know unless you happen to listen to a song he/she loved or commented. It’s hard, but I try not to respond to problem users. Just delete offending comments, delete recordings if necessary, block, and move on. 

I think one of the issues is that Smule doesn’t inform users on how to delete recordings and block people. I abandoned my first Smule account because I felt threatened by someone, and at the time I didn’t know I could simply delete his recordings and block him.

I would probably only report to Smule if someone is disgusting, predatory, or threatening. Or if someone makes multiple accounts to get around being blocked, I will report. Otherwise, I think a block will suffice.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Blocking does nothing... changing your ID does nothing...so far SMULE has done nothing... I have had friends leave but I refuse. I have received death threats amongst other threats as recently as the other night in a  live jam as people hacking in were crashing the room. No time for screenshots only time to write down fake account names. SMULE wants screenshots of everything even though they can track IP addresses everytime I report. It's crap. I remind myself this is an app... whoever does this has no life. 

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I think it’s important to keep in mind that Smule has over 50 million active users and less than 200 employees. They can act on a case-by-case basis, e.g. regarding a specific offending video, profile pic, chat message or something similar which can be clearly demonstrated (e.g. through a screenshot). But apart from that, there is not much they can do and the users indeed have to rely on the features like blocking accounts, even if that means to repeat this process multiple times when users create new accounts. Smule cannot actively investigate and monitor individual trolls nor their victims. It’s just not feasible for any larger social online platform and I wouldn’t know any platform which has this kind of support. And when things cross into the territory of criminal cases, that needs to be handled by the police. 

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25 minutes ago, opentype said:

I think it’s important to keep in mind that Smule has over 50 million active users and less than 200 employees. 

50 million X say USD $50/Annum = USD$ 2,500,000,000. That is a lot of money

Surely Smule can afford to have more than 200 employees considering the revenue

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11 minutes ago, _RamKrish1012 said:

50 million X say USD $50/Annum = USD$ 2,500,000,000. That is a lot of money

That calculation is wrong. I did not say VIP members. I said active users. The vast majority of users are not VIP and in fact, Smule easily looses money with them, e.g. because of the costs of the storing the uploads. 

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smule needs help  i crossed over from the singer side to the dark and evil side 3  years ago  Now im known as one of the best rappers and im constantly having to fight people diss tracks and more whom take it public posting my kids pic on social media saying im a child moslestor cuz they cant beat me on battle or diss   ive never lost a diss war  i never started one either  i defend the innocent never start always finish  but its getting so excessive im close to leaving the app too  ive onlt like 3400  / 900 approx   11K  but since getting on the radio and offers to record with famous artists who found me on smule it has been pure hell  reporting  does no good blocking no good there is nothing we can do but leabe  and im so recognizable even a new acct wouldnt last long unless i only practice originals all on private  well i have a studio if im gonna do that   i know two people who killed themselves over the bullying and drama on the dark side many who have left and many who have driven to or been driven to by someone else for street fights gun fights   something needs to change eventually someones family will sue smule in the wake of it being the reason for someones death when the people report and file complaints and nothing happens really that matters


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Shocked to read these responses. I was concerned about harassment and bullying of women and am disturbed to read that Smule members even receive death threats. Thats Scary. Afterall it is just a Kareoke App.

Subscribing members need to be Protected by Smule. Period.

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So I have around 42,000 followers, and maybe its because I'm a guy, but I have not had any problems with users. Everyone has been pretty cool. But I will say that at the end of the day no one should ever be offended or feel anger or upset from any other person, because you allow the other person to have power over your emotional well being. In others say the meanest most awful thing to me, and what do I care it has nothing to do with me, besides theres an old saying "What you think of me is none of my business" And as far as death threats, go...unless they know your address, they are baseless" Whens the last time you ever heard of someone calling in a bomb threat and then having it actually go off. Never, because people who blow things up don't threat they just do. So people who do death threats, and you being scared is the purpose. My advice honestly is not to block them, just ignore them, blocking them just entices them. But you have to have the inner ability to be able to truly ignore what anyone says. I use this example, so lets say someone decides to say awful things to me, and say really insulting things to me, only they do it on in Spanish (which I don't speak) Well I'm not going to get upset cause I don't understand, so it just goes over my head. But now let's say they say the same things only English which i speak, and now all of sudden I get upset or hurt because of what they said, well whose fault is that, who created the emotional distress in me? It s not the other person, because they said the awful things in both languages. It was me, who caused the emotional stress, it was only because I understood what they were saying that I then had a reaction. So I was the deciding factor on whether or not I had an emotional reaction. Not to get political, but I would rather teach people how to not be offended than to create laws to stop people from offending. To take back your power. "Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me" is probably the best thing that I was taught as a kid.


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As a man I agree with what you are saying. Just ignore the fools and dont pay any attention to them.

The Problem I am talking is about what young attractive women are facing on Smule

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That is shocking! I had no idea. I used to lament the fact that basically no one in the US will join my songs. But maybe it’s a good thing. Because wow ... I don’t want the wrong kind of attention!

Unfortunately I agree ... if you are facing real life stalking and death threats, I don’t see what action you can take other than reporting the user, contacting law enforcement, and quitting Smule. That’s really sad, I know ... but I don’t know how Smule can protect you. Now, if you report a user who will continue to pose a threat to others and Smule doesn’t take it seriously ... yes, that is a problem. But I imagine Smule support is constantly flooded with nonsense reports about bullying, name calling, etc. that could easily be solved with a block ... thus making it difficult to know which reports to take seriously.

But for just basic trolling or simply being bothered by followers, I stand by my advice to block. Although this function has its shortcomings, it’s the best you can do. Even if Smule were to prevent blocked users from seeing your page and accessing your recordings, all one has to do is go to the Smule website without logging in ... and look you up. And there is your page, and all of your recordings. So you can’t really hide as long as you are singing on Smule. Best you can do is stop contact.

Edited by DuetWithAlli
Poor wording
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Dark Glasses_John
On 5/24/2019 at 4:09 PM, DuetWithAlli said:

Honestly I think this is exactly what a block is for, to stop users from harassing or annoying you. The block feature on Smule is somewhat lame in that it doesn’t stop someone from viewing your profile or recordings ... but it stops contact. If you block a user, that user is no longer following you, will receive an error message if he/she tries to follow you again, and will no longer receive your invites. You will not receive messages from this user. You will not receive notifications if this user loves or comments on your recordings. Oddly enough, the blocked user is still able to love and comment on your recordings, you just won’t know unless you happen to listen to a song he/she loved or commented. It’s hard, but I try not to respond to problem users. Just delete offending comments, delete recordings if necessary, block, and move on. 

I think one of the issues is that Smule doesn’t inform users on how to delete recordings and block people. I abandoned my first Smule account because I felt threatened by someone, and at the time I didn’t know I could simply delete his recordings and block him.

I would probably only report to Smule if someone is disgusting, predatory, or threatening. Or if someone makes multiple accounts to get around being blocked, I will report. Otherwise, I think a block will suffice.




Further the account holder should be able to remove comments or at least edit my own if autocorrect messes us up and/or I don’t pay attention to my typing at first.

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I go back and forth... I am not going to let internet people mess with me but I am also not comfortable with them trolling me either. I use an alias of sorts and don't want this tied to social media however I have been tracked off line (i mean by PC by non smule account) by users and geotracking. Sad... people have no life.  Reporting that to smule is useless but users with accounts that change usernames and include messaging, threats, and pictures of other users should not be tolerated it's not ok. Ban all you want but if they flow someone you know they have access or are off smule...their IP should be banned 

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11 hours ago, Dark Glasses_John said:

Further the account holder should be able to remove comments or at least edit my own if autocorrect messes us up and/or I don’t pay attention to my typing at first.

Tell me about Auto Correct. Try Typing another Language Like Hindi using English alphabets. After recording a song we all write something in our invites. The Auto Correct is adamant and keeps changing the word to an English sounding word and I have ended up with Howlers that cannot be corrected and is out there for Seven Long Days making me look like a fool. Imagine wanting to write "see you soon" and it turns out as "See You Spoon" which some can react to..

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On 6/5/2019 at 2:34 PM, Dark Glasses_John said:

Further the account holder should be able to remove comments or at least edit my own if autocorrect messes us up and/or I don’t pay attention to my typing at first.

I’m on iOS so forgive me if this is not true for Android. But you should be able to delete your own comment. Swipe from right to left on your comment and a trash can icon will pop up on the right, giving you the option to delete.

You can also delete comments by other users on your recordings if you are the one who opened the song. If it’s a song you joined, you can only flag offending comments. But anything else, I believe you can delete.

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I agree...sometimes I think it is not good when you have too many followers. I wish Smule will allow me to 'screen' my followers and not let them automatically add me. When you have many followers, you can sometimes become the target to be attacked or bullied by others - all because of jealousy. People also seem to mind when you don't follow them back, don't help to 'like' their songs etc. I find all these very childish - I just want to sing.

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Here is HELP! You can be completely anonymous or private on Smule. All one has to do is set their recordings to private and sing with friends you know who want anonymity, too. Everyone is private, and the accounts look as if they’re inactive. 

As for YouTube, I do not mind my duets on anyone’s YouTube I have sung with as long as they are public on Smule. Public on Smule means they can be seen by everyone in a search, so there is no difference.

Just like with Live Jams. You don’t have to be logged into the app to view a public Live Jam. You may think you’re alone in a Live Jam, and someone could be watching and recording  you right from a browser, so be careful what you do when you think no one is watching. Don’t pick your nose waiting for singers 😉😂

Yes, there are ways to experience a private and happy experience with Smule! 


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On 6/2/2019 at 2:51 AM, Crazyjster said:

Blocking does nothing... changing your ID does nothing...so far SMULE has done nothing... I have had friends leave but I refuse. I have received death threats amongst other threats as recently as the other night in a  live jam as people hacking in were crashing the room. No time for screenshots only time to write down fake account names. SMULE wants screenshots of everything even though they can track IP addresses everytime I report. It's crap. I remind myself this is an app... whoever does this has no life. 

Yes, Smule can trace a target by their IP address and probably have with many, time permitting, but if the accused user hasn’t been banned, my guess is it’s probably because there may not have been sufficient proof or they may have discovered there were two sides to the complaint, not stating at all this is your situation. As for death threats, I would have contacted the proper authorities ASAP!

You’re correct. This is just an app, and in order for the app to improve, users need to use the app for singing. Not a dating app, not a gossip app, but a singing app. 


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I want to add there are probably users who use different devices, such as maybe an iPod not registered in their name to mask their identity. I know my e-mail was almost hacked, and it was from several different IP addresses, so I have a feeling it was a user using an anonymous proxy server or a VPN. With a little effort, they still can be discovered if serious enough. 

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This actually ties into something I posted in a separate thread about people having the ability to comment etc without a registered account as well as see what we post etc... because it can be used as a way of stalking. I also realized that people (I think) can ban you but still track everything you do. I wish there was an incognito mode lol! 

As for the rest scenario I first mentioned, that person"s IP did eventually get banned and he eventually got a new device...I realize this is a pointless battle and not worth it. There is no amount of blocking because there is always new accounts (2 in two minutes in a live jam for example). It's not worth my attention if that's what this person is seeking. I don't take things personally and I am including threats now.

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On 6/18/2019 at 11:51 AM, ShiningSinger said:

Here is HELP! You can be completely anonymous or private on Smule. All one has to do is set their recordings to private and sing with friends you know who want anonymity, too. Everyone is private, and the accounts look as if they’re inactive. 

When you are a good and popular singer with ten thousand followers, why should you be forced to go anonymous or Private on Smule ? Defeats the purpose and encourages the offenders.

Offenders should be Blocked & Purged from all facets of Smule

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On 6/19/2019 at 12:41 AM, _RamKrish1012 said:

Offenders should be Blocked & Purged from all facets of Smule

Let’s be realistic. In an ideal world they would be purged from the app, but it’s not going to happen by Smule. It’s about the money. I’m okay with being anonymous, more than okay. To each his or her own! 😊

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On 6/18/2019 at 12:23 PM, Crazyjster said:

This actually ties into something I posted in a separate thread about people having the ability to comment etc without a registered account as well as see what we post etc... because it can be used as a way of stalking. I also realized that people (I think) can ban you but still track everything you do. I wish there was an incognito mode lol! 

As for the rest scenario I first mentioned, that person"s IP did eventually get banned and he eventually got a new device...I realize this is a pointless battle and not worth it. There is no amount of blocking because there is always new accounts (2 in two minutes in a live jam for example). It's not worth my attention if that's what this person is seeking. I don't take things personally and I am including threats now.

Agree with all you have stated. Don’t take it personally, might as well not. 😊👍🏼 Just sing and enjoy it. 

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On 6/18/2019 at 12:23 PM, Crazyjster said:

I don’t take things personally and I am including threats now.

I apologize for not reading your comment clearly. You definitely should take threats seriously, and if someone is trying to discover your real identity to stalk you, you should take it seriously, as well. Be safe! 

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