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Smule Unfollow: How to beat the Follow to Unfollow tactics by spammers

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On 4/3/2022 at 8:50 PM, sdr said:

Smule Unfollow is aimed at relatively new singers with upto a few hundred followers. It helps to tidy up your Following list so that the invites from singers who do not follow you and no recordings together do not clutter your invite notifications. If you have a 1000 or more Followers/ing you never would want to go through that lists even for once.

This aims to create a mutual interaction based Followers/ing lists.👍

There's so much innuendo for this topic "Follow/Unfollow"... by the end of the day it won't help me raised my standard of singing if I tidy up my list 🤣🤣 as I said I have more better things to do than checking my list who unfollowed me against to my following and won't add $$$$ to my bank account.. .. ..I also don't go through my invites.. what for? if you have 100 invites everyday.. you wasted your time scrolling down and up to look for a song to collab.. My Stand is "You join me I will join you back".. . I also join to  people who use my Uploads and follow them, I don't care if they don't follow me back....  I actually have 1  account that have  0 followers and 0 following... I just wanted to record an OC... ... and  enjoy my Bathroom Voice to de-stress after work.. 

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On 3/31/2022 at 8:01 PM, My2CentsWorth said:

Just curious, don't you listen to other smulers duets? Not as in joins with you, but their collabs with other smulers.

There are some great smulers that I enjoy listening to.  Best when their voices blend oh so well, it's really music to the ears.

I don't think I've ever once listened to a duet I wasn't in. 🤔  The exception is maybe a few moments when I'm looking for new singing partners.  (The app makes it's SO hard to find people otherwise.)

It's actually really cool to know that people listen though. 


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On 4/4/2022 at 1:39 AM, Isa_Bella said:

Truest ✔👍  I agree 101%.. What's the use of chasing numbers if they don't even join you or like your songs.. its better to have a QUALITY than QUANTITY...

I agree here 100% If someone never joins me and it's just me joining them, I eventually unfollow because there's no point to it.

The quality of the connection is everything.

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34 minutes ago, RockMeSlowly said:

I don't think I've ever once listened to a duet I wasn't in. 🤔  The exception is maybe a few moments when I'm looking for new singing partners.  (The app makes it's SO hard to find people otherwise.)

It's actually really cool to know that people listen though. 


I've listened to you sing as well! 

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Just now, My2CentsWorth said:

I've listened to you sing as well! 

Wow, really? 😊 That's really cool, thank you. Have you ever joined me? 

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6 hours ago, RockMeSlowly said:

Wow, really? 😊 That's really cool, thank you. Have you ever joined me? 

No, not yet.  Waiting for a song I know how to sing. 🙂

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11 hours ago, RockMeSlowly said:

I agree here 100% If someone never joins me and it's just me joining them, I eventually unfollow because there's no point to it.

The quality of the connection is everything.

I have been in Smule for more than 4 years. I have been regularly joining some really good singers who have rarely joined me. I still follow and join them since it is nice to have recordings with good singers. Besides most of them acknowledge my join, give compliments and constructive suggestions for improvement. Though it is somewhat disappointing not to get joins in return, I try not to get too much bothered about it. But I unfollow the singers who don't acknowledge my joins. That's the least they can do to people who have spent time and effort to join them. I never ignore people who join me.

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16 hours ago, Aargo2017 said:

I have been in Smule for more than 4 years. I have been regularly joining some really good singers who have rarely joined me. I still follow and join them since it is nice to have recordings with good singers. Besides most of them acknowledge my join, give compliments and constructive suggestions for improvement. Though it is somewhat disappointing not to get joins in return, I try not to get too much bothered about it. But I unfollow the singers who don't acknowledge my joins. That's the least they can do to people who have spent time and effort to join them. I never ignore people who join me.

I totally agree that listening to joins is a must it you open something. The only joins I don't listen to are the ones I missed in notifications. I try to do a sweep of my old opens from time to time to make sure I didn't forget anyone. 

Someone doesn't need to join me as much, but at least every so often. I enjoy the mutual connection. 

Edited by RockMeSlowly
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20 hours ago, My2CentsWorth said:

No, not yet.  Waiting for a song I know how to sing. 🙂

What kind of stuff do you normally sing?

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15 hours ago, RockMeSlowly said:

I try to do a sweep of my old opens from time to time to make sure I didn't forget anyone. 

You can try this, too - if you haven't already. Type just your username in the search bar. Click "See All" under recordings. When it pulls up your list, switch the search filter from "Most Popular" to "Most Recent". Now you'll see all of your recordings from newest to oldest - your joins with others and others joining you. It's kind of a jumble, but at least you can see this in some kind of chronological order instead of scrolling through your profile and clicking on your OCs. I've found this useful if someone has joined a really old OC and I missed it in my notifications. It prevents me from having to scroll all the way down in my profile just to check the joins, because if the notification is gone, I'll have probably forgotten what OC they joined. 🤣

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2 hours ago, duojet24 said:

You can try this, too - if you haven't already. Type just your username in the search bar. Click "See All" under recordings. When it pulls up your list, switch the search filter from "Most Popular" to "Most Recent". Now you'll see all of your recordings from newest to oldest - your joins with others and others joining you. It's kind of a jumble, but at least you can see this in some kind of chronological order instead of scrolling through your profile and clicking on your OCs. I've found this useful if someone has joined a really old OC and I missed it in my notifications. It prevents me from having to scroll all the way down in my profile just to check the joins, because if the notification is gone, I'll have probably forgotten what OC they joined. 🤣


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2 hours ago, duojet24 said:

You can try this, too - if you haven't already. Type just your username in the search bar. Click "See All" under recordings. When it pulls up your list, switch the search filter from "Most Popular" to "Most Recent". Now you'll see all of your recordings from newest to oldest - your joins with others and others joining you. It's kind of a jumble, but at least you can see this in some kind of chronological order instead of scrolling through your profile and clicking on your OCs. I've found this useful if someone has joined a really old OC and I missed it in my notifications. It prevents me from having to scroll all the way down in my profile just to check the joins, because if the notification is gone, I'll have probably forgotten what OC they joined. 🤣

For this regards... It's all depends on people circumstances, Smule Status.... If you are an Uploader it will be different..  if you click Recordings..See All.. It shows all the list of all people who used my Upload Songs and their joiners..mix with my own recordings... scrolling down is the way to go...🤣🤣

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34 minutes ago, Isa_Bella said:

For this regards... It's all depends on people circumstances, Smule Status.... If you are an Uploader it will be different..  if you click Recordings..See All.. It shows all the list of all people who used my Upload Songs and their joiners..mix with my own recordings... scrolling down is the way to go...🤣🤣

Oh my!! Yes, that would be a jumbled mess indeed. I didn't realize that it would also show when people used your uploaded songs, plus all their joins. I've only uploaded a few songs, but it was for specific group projects, so regular users wouldn't open them. Yep, scrolling would work best for you! 😆

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1 minute ago, duojet24 said:

Oh my!! Yes, that would be a jumbled mess indeed. I didn't realize that it would also show when people used your uploaded songs, plus all their joins. I've only uploaded a few songs, but it was for specific group projects, so regular users wouldn't open them. Yep, scrolling would work best for you! 😆

Good Idea... and Thanks for Sharing this...🙏👍

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I only follow people after I look at their wall and see of their interests match mine for the most part.  Otherwise the INVITE list gets cluttered with non relevant tunes, especially for those OC ing for the sheer number (like 4-7 a day)  And then there are us that pick and choose, but I then fall into the trap of joining more than opening. 

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3 hours ago, jimventresco said:

I only follow people after I look at their wall and see of their interests match mine for the most part.  Otherwise the INVITE list gets cluttered with non relevant tunes, especially for those OC ing for the sheer number (like 4-7 a day)  And then there are us that pick and choose, but I then fall into the trap of joining more than opening. 

Smulers have different ideas, circumstances, different purpose why they joined Smule... 80% of Smulers just have an average voice ( I am one in this category). I guess there is no restrictions or limit on how many songs you can OC a day.  Why cant you enjoy your VIP...You paid this from your hard earned money 😞😞... Some people got motivated to OC more when they have 5 or more joiners for every song....Invites don't matter to me... I only join to people who joined my OC's if they are VIP...and to those people who use my Upload Songs.. 

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7 hours ago, BWFan16 said:

Hi there,

I only follow people I like to sing with. And a few personal friends.

Have a great day!

Yes that's your choice.. everyone have  different preference..

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  • 3 months later...
On 3/31/2022 at 3:13 AM, My2CentsWorth said:

I don't do follow for follow. I can join a person without following him/her cos I join for the songs,  not the singer. 

I ignore people like that. It’s an ignorant join. Basically you’re telling someone you want to join them (I’m assuming their voice was decent enough) but never want to sing with them again. What’s the point? You’re here for the songs, ok, great, here’s a solo …  xD 

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On 4/3/2022 at 1:17 AM, DuetWithAlli said:

I don’t want the fake accounts in my followers. It’s a maintenance thing. It’s pretty obvious they’re fake because I have to go to their profiles to block them, and if there are no recordings, it’s a bot. Or if they’re claiming to be a prince or Keanu Reeves.

I'm the same. I had way too much time on my hands today and decided to block all fake accounts that are following me so that the number of followers displayed in my account reflects the actual number of accounts that follow me. While going through the list (about 300 all in all), I discovered that over half of the accounts in my followers list are suspended fake accounts. And to my frustration, I can't find any way to remove them from my followers list. An active fake account can be blocked, and a blocked account is no longer a follower. But a suspended account can't be blocked. Or am I missing something? 

While most Smulers are probably not bothered at all by having fake followers, it does bother me that I can't get rid of them. Why display the number of followers in the first place if it's not a relevant number? And if for nothing else, it looks as if I only follow back in less than half of the cases, when the truth is the opposite (I follow more accounts than I have real accounts following me). Again, I realize that most of you won't understand why this is even an issue. It's not a big issue for me, but like I said, I've got way too much time to kill today... So I figured that someone might have found a way to remove suspended fake accounts from the followers list, so why not post here and ask? 😅

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@Nathan D Over the course of a couple of years, I blocked and unblocked more than 8,000 followers on one of my accounts to remove them all. But I ended up with 100 accounts still following me. A few were real people I remember singing with, but the majority are fake accounts. That’s why I like to block and unblock fake accounts immediately. And no, I haven’t figured out a way to remove them. I thought about sending screenshots to Smule and asking them if they can do something about it, but it didn’t seem worth the effort.

While it may be true that most people aren’t bothered by the fake followers, I understand. It’s an issue for me because  Smule has limited the number of followers and followees you can see in your lists to 500, so you can’t see the people you’ve been singing with the longest if your lists are full of fake accounts.

tldr; unfortunately, there is no way to remove suspended accounts as far as I can tell.

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4 hours ago, DuetWithAlli said:

I thought about sending screenshots to Smule and asking them if they can do something about it, but it didn’t seem worth the effort.

I've thought about it too, albeit only for a few days (since I discovered that they probably can't be removed very recently). I now realize that the obvious (?) choice for Smule here would be to simply automatically delete all suspended accounts from everyone's followers lists. I think the implementation would be fairly simple. It would also make it impossible for people to "boost numbers" by having fake accounts created for the sole purpose of following various accounts that crave followers just for the sake of it. Because to many people, those figures matter (I suppose there's money involved in the end, not just the possibility to generally impress people), and I guess most Smulers don't know that many followers are in fact fake accounts. 

4 hours ago, DuetWithAlli said:

While it may be true that most people aren’t bothered by the fake followers, I understand. It’s an issue for me because  Smule has limited the number of followers and followees you can see in your lists to 500, so you can’t see the people you’ve been singing with the longest if your lists are full of fake accounts.

tldr; unfortunately, there is no way to remove suspended accounts as far as I can tell.

Thanks! I'm genuinely glad to know I'm not the only one who cares 😁 Before I read this thread, I didn't know that there's a limit to the number of followers you can see in your list, but the more the reason to keep the followers list tidy.

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On 7/28/2022 at 2:51 PM, Nathan D said:

I'm the same. I had way too much time on my hands today and decided to block all fake accounts that are following me so that the number of followers displayed in my account reflects the actual number of accounts that follow me. While going through the list (about 300 all in all), I discovered that over half of the accounts in my followers list are suspended fake accounts. And to my frustration, I can't find any way to remove them from my followers list. An active fake account can be blocked, and a blocked account is no longer a follower. But a suspended account can't be blocked. Or am I missing something? 

While most Smulers are probably not bothered at all by having fake followers, it does bother me that I can't get rid of them. Why display the number of followers in the first place if it's not a relevant number? And if for nothing else, it looks as if I only follow back in less than half of the cases, when the truth is the opposite (I follow more accounts than I have real accounts following me). Again, I realize that most of you won't understand why this is even an issue. It's not a big issue for me, but like I said, I've got way too much time to kill today... So I figured that someone might have found a way to remove suspended fake accounts from the followers list, so why not post here and ask? 😅

I’ve tried and nope there is no way to block them and take them off your following list. They make an account, follow hundreds of people then delete the account. Don’t know their reasoning for that, and you say you have too much time on your hands? I guess not! 😂

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4 hours ago, DuetWithAlli said:

While it may be true that most people aren’t bothered by the fake followers, I understand. It’s an issue for me because  Smule has limited the number of followers and followees you can see in your lists to 500, so you can’t see the people you’ve been singing with the longest if your lists are full of fake accounts.

If you look at your profile on a desktop / laptop through smule.com, it should show your full list of followers / followees, even if you have more than 500. What's more, it'll list them in chronological order, so the person who followed you, or whom you followed, most recently, should appear at the top of the list. It only seems to work on an actual computer, though. I tried using my phone's browser in full desktop mode, and it still shows only 500, alphabetically. Not sure about iPads or other tablets. I also don't know whether VIP membership will affect this functionality. I scrolled through my list to see that my wife was my first follower. 😍

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My metric for a good singer (which "usually" seems to work) is: they should have more than 1000 followers, and they should follow about 10% of the number of people who follows them😀

So if they have 2000 followers then they should follow about 200, and so on. Of course there will be exceptions but this has worked for me, and if I get lots of joins from unknown people, then this is the metric I use to figure out who to listen to first😁

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