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Is it me or are people too polite to ask others not to interact with them?

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1 hour ago, DuetWithAlli said:

Wow, this has to come back up again ... I don’t know if he reads the replies anymore, but they still come to my email. It was awkward because he was talking about me.

I was simply replying to the original general post. I didn’t notice an addressee. These issues are still occurring for many so it’s still a current topic and should be kept highlighted. Users, sadly mainly adults, need to learn how to behave on an app. So many disrespectful users get by with their ill manners, but maybe they were not taught any better—still no excuse. Most don’t care so you either learn to tolerate it on the app or make a new account, which if Smule fixes the block feature can make it peaceful for all, maybe. 

 But please be at peace my comments were not in any way directed towards you.

Happy Singing!  




Edited by TheMajesticM
Typo, baby, Typo
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3 hours ago, TheMajesticM said:

I was simply replying to the original general post. I didn’t notice an addressee. These issues are still occurring for many so it’s still a current topic and should be kept highlighted. Users, sadly mainly adults, need to learn how to behave on an app. So many disrespectful users get by with their ill manners, but maybe they were not taught any better—still no excuse. Most don’t care so you either learn to tolerate it on the app or make a new account, which if Smule fixes the block feature can make it peaceful for all, maybe. 

 But please be at peace my comments were not in any way directed towards you.

Happy Singing!  



3 hours ago, TheMajesticM said:


It still came to my email, maybe because you quoted me. I’m sorry for taking offense to your post. This is still a sore subject for me because I always thought that I was being nice, and I was sad to find out that I was being ... unintentionally un-nice.

I will bow out now because I don’t want to wear out my welcome here like I did on Smule. This is what I do, I try to make everything into a joke when I’m the only one who thinks I’m funny. Don’t worry, I understand how I’m part of the problem. Happy singing to you too.

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1 hour ago, DuetWithAlli said:

I will bow out now because I don’t want to wear out my welcome here like I did on Smule. This is what I do, I try to make everything into a joke when I’m the only one who thinks I’m funny. Don’t worry, I understand how I’m part of the problem. Happy singing to you too.


I don’t see that you’re part of the problem at all. You’re a contributor who gives good feedback on this site. 

Same as you about the jokes. Something I think is hilarious someone else gets offended, so I can relate there. I think that’s common with pretty much everyone online. Online communication is sometimes hard to interpret, even when you use a ton of smiley emojis! 😀

The last few days I have been at home so naturally I’ve read almost the whole blog. Sorry this was a hard topic for you, and I am sure you’re not alone.


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On 4/26/2021 at 8:22 AM, TheMajesticM said:

@yauntiYou seem really kind. I cannot believe someone would block you over joining them. Some bitch if they don’t get followers or joiners, and now we have  some bitching if they get them. Goodness gracious at the madness!  You can’t please some of these ... people. I’ve block users for justifiable reasons, and I don’t have to tell them why. They know what they’ve done.

I have created new accounts over another user, although it was useless at that time. You can’t stay hidden on this app but it may be different since Smule has increased security. To get to my point, from reading your comments, I doubt you are the reason anyone created another account. It sounds as if you need to become a little pickier with who you interact with on the app. You’re as good as anyone else on this app — remember that! And they’re decent people on the app. I sing with them now. 😊



Thank you, for your kind words and advice. 

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On 4/28/2021 at 8:08 PM, TheMajesticM said:

I don’t see that you’re part of the problem at all. You’re a contributor who gives good feedback on this site. 

Same as you about the jokes. Something I think is hilarious someone else gets offended, so I can relate there. I think that’s common with pretty much everyone online. Online communication is sometimes hard to interpret, even when you use a ton of smiley emojis! 😀

The last few days I have been at home so naturally I’ve read almost the whole blog. Sorry this was a hard topic for you, and I am sure you’re not alone.


You’re very nice, thank you. Honestly, I understand being upset if someone doesn’t comment on joins. It makes me sad, too. I just assume the worst and stop joining. But it upsets me more if a person always has nice comments for me, yet never joins my songs. I wonder if this person is feeding everyone BS compliments just to get a lot of joins. It’s a fine line. If I have to come up on the side of being aloof and unkind, rather than worry about coming across as a fake, I guess I have to accept that some people are going to be upset with me. 

Again, thank you for your understanding and kindness.

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You’re welcome

I get a lot of nice comments, and some I think are sincere, and there are those I take with a grain of salt because I know I didn’t sound that good. If they’re not sincere, at least they’re not rude, so I appreciate that. 

If you enjoy the app, and you haven’t had any major problems, I hope you continue. I firmly believe singing is good for the soul.






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  • 2 years later...

I am one of the few that actually got on smule just to sing, I never thought people could find relationships singing. I've had 2 smule relationships, first for 2 years with a woman from England never came to meet me in person. And the 2nd I fell so deeply in love with I want to marry her, but I can't marry someone who is already married, if she wants to divorce him and be with me, I would be the world's happiest man. And if she saves her marriage to a man she don't love just for the kids sake, it's not fair to anyone. For the past 3 months I've felt like I was on cloud nine, I truly love her so very much. But when her husband found out she was physically cheating with me in person, and it wasn't just some random online affair on video chat, that's when the shit hit the fan, and I feel like i got thrown away like a dirty used tampon. I feel in my heart she loves me, but she won't leave her kids, and she won't leave a husband she dont desire or love, simply because he let's her the freedom to do whatever she wants and gives her a stable home. I'm nobody's option, I'm a real person that deserves real love and not just to be used like a booty call, then dumped because we got caught having an affair. She told me she never loved anyone as much as me and wanted to get a divorce and marry me. But this is exactly why people on smule have to delete accounts and start over with a smaller circle on new accounts, because they are using the app for dating and cheating. And I sit brokenhearted because I wasn't using her. I actually want to love her and marry her and give my life to her. The painful lessons we have to learn in life sucks sometimes. Stay blessed always.

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My OC often has over a hundred joiners, so I think I could give you some advice. I'm a guy, and of course, most of my joiners are women. Nowadays, women on Smule are all very careful and sensitive about men. I can sense that most of my joiners don't want me to comment on their joinings with me; they just want to sing. They don't even want to have a word with any guys, even a hot shot like me. Obviously, some guys have ruined Smule by treating it as a dating site. So, all the women on Smule have become very paranoid about guys.

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On 2/24/2024 at 1:50 PM, h____1 said:

I am one of the few that actually got on smule just to sing, I never thought people could find relationships singing. I've had 2 smule relationships, first for 2 years with a woman from England never came to meet me in person. And the 2nd I fell so deeply in love with I want to marry her, but I can't marry someone who is already married, if she wants to divorce him and be with me, I would be the world's happiest man. And if she saves her marriage to a man she don't love just for the kids sake, it's not fair to anyone. For the past 3 months I've felt like I was on cloud nine, I truly love her so very much. But when her husband found out she was physically cheating with me in person, and it wasn't just some random online affair on video chat, that's when the shit hit the fan, and I feel like i got thrown away like a dirty used tampon. I feel in my heart she loves me, but she won't leave her kids, and she won't leave a husband she dont desire or love, simply because he let's her the freedom to do whatever she wants and gives her a stable home. I'm nobody's option, I'm a real person that deserves real love and not just to be used like a booty call, then dumped because we got caught having an affair. She told me she never loved anyone as much as me and wanted to get a divorce and marry me. But this is exactly why people on smule have to delete accounts and start over with a smaller circle on new accounts, because they are using the app for dating and cheating. And I sit brokenhearted because I wasn't using her. I actually want to love her and marry her and give my life to her. The painful lessons we have to learn in life sucks sometimes. Stay blessed always.

I feel your pain dude 😑 of course you are a real person, I hope you find love in real life, in a real person.

I am no guru in this matter, but try an find something else to do that really interests you and keeps you occupied, till you find that real person. All you see on the internet are masks and you never no who hides behind them. 

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16 hours ago, RaShMee said:

I feel your pain dude 😑 of course you are a real person, I hope you find love in real life, in a real person.

I am no guru in this matter, but try an find something else to do that really interests you and keeps you occupied, till you find that real person. All you see on the internet are masks and you never no who hides behind them. 

Correct but some people hides behind masks because of personal reasons.. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/24/2024 at 8:50 AM, Guest said:

I feel in my heart she loves me, but she won't leave her kids, and she won't leave a husband she dont desire or love, simply because he let's her the freedom to do whatever she wants and gives her a stable home.

It sounds as if more than likely it was a one sided relationship (you only). Married couples sometimes have rough patches and one or both may stray. Some choose to work through it. You both were at fault and if you felt used, well, you knew she was married. There is someone for everyone but trust me this one isn’t right for you. It’s hard to differentiate between lust and love at times. You’ll learn. 

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  • 2 months later...

I don't think it was a one sided relationship, i think they both loved each other equally, and it was truly a reciprocal friendship, but he was single and available, and she was married and unavailable. She wanted a friend, and he got too serious, she has a husband and kids, and he wanted more than she could give, and the pressure probably made her push him away. All he had to do was be chill and be a friend, and realize she was never going to leave the husband and kids, and just be the best friend he could be, because she needed his friendship. But im sure he probably pushed for more than she could give, and that is why she broke up, it wasn't because he wasn't good enough, or loved, it's because he wanted more than just her friendship,he wanted to build with her and plan a future, after the kids had grown and she divorced her husband. I think the thing he failed to do is just be patient and go with the flow,be happy for whatever time she gave him, and don't pressure for more. I am only guessing, but after reading, this seems probable. I wish them both well,my advice to them both, if he loves her be a friend, don't push for more, and for her if you love him, and it wasn't a game, don't ghost the poor guy, give each other closure. And who knows what the future holds for your friendship together...

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Prolific Indifference

For me it can just be my performance on the particular open that got joined and it has nothing to do with the joiner outside of sparking feelings of heavy embarrassment in my of me lol. If I don't feel great about an open of mine. Or if Im not sure on remembering just how I did during it  I'll default to shame every time.  My bodytemp will start to rise just seeing a join on an open I'm unsure of. And  unfortunately. If I'd like to keep singing that particular day. It's best for me to not got thru the stress of being extra judgy of myself..   I've always wanted to put this on my profile but there's not enough characters for all that maybe they could start like a voice note you could leave on your profile that way you could say things that weren't going to cut into your texts letter allotment 🤷. I mean since we're all vocalists and record constantly on the app I think most people would really find being able to leave a voice note engaging :)   

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