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More Blind Loves Lately

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Is it just me, or is anyone else receiving a flurry of blind loves on their recordings lately? It’s one of my biggest pet peeves.

Normally, I block people for doing this, but it’s different people every time, and they appear to be real accounts. It’s annoying the heck out of me, so I guess I’ll just start blocking them until it stops happening.

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I've never been on the receiving end of one of those "love room" things but it sure sounds annoying. I've heard people will message the other singer and kindly ask them to remove the duet from their love room. Or something.

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On 11/21/2023 at 4:13 AM, DuetWithAlli said:

Is it just me, or is anyone else receiving a flurry of blind loves on their recordings lately? It’s one of my biggest pet peeves.

Normally, I block people for doing this, but it’s different people every time, and they appear to be real accounts. It’s annoying the heck out of me, so I guess I’ll just start blocking them until it stops happening.

Yes, I did received a flurry of blind loves on my recordings randomly from random people that appears to be from real accounts, so not sure why, but these blind loves fill up my notification tab and push other important notifications out of my views despite me not sharing my recordings in any love room.

On another note, I search your name in Smule out of curiosity and quite surprise that you know how to sing Bahasa Indonesia/Melayu songs.

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6 hours ago, Wishchip said:

I've never been on the receiving end of one of those "love room" things but it sure sounds annoying. I've heard people will message the other singer and kindly ask them to remove the duet from their love room. Or something.

Oh yeah, I’m familiar with that practice. I don’t think it’s that, because it’s not a massive number of likes on any one collab. It’s like, 5 on this collab, 10 on that one. And as I was blocking, I noticed some of the names popped up a few times. So it could just be friends of friends liking everything they see in the feed, which should eventually be taken care of by blocking. 

If someone is sharing my collabs to groups or support chats, or through messages, I will kindly ask them to stop. If it’s someone I like singing with lol. 

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33 minutes ago, Marznafri Yagami said:

Yes, I did received a flurry of blind loves on my recordings randomly from random people that appears to be from real accounts, so not sure why, but these blind loves fill up my notification tab and push other important notifications out of my views despite me not sharing my recordings in any love room.

On another note, I search your name in Smule out of curiosity and quite surprise that you know how to sing Bahasa Indonesia/Melayu songs.

Oh, thank you for confirming this. And you’re right! That’s exactly why it bothers me, because it fills up my notifications, and I miss important things like joins and comments. Either that, or I have to check my notifications more often than I like.

And yes, thanks for noticing. Most people who join my songs are Indonesian, and they are usually much nicer than American/English speaking people on Smule. So, I learned to sing in bahasa Indonesia.

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Wow, that's really impressive! I am from Malaysia, and there are many similarities between Bahasa Melayu (Malay language) and Bahasa Indonesia that most of the songs between the two countries can be released with little to no modifications to the lyrics. I know and sang some Indonesian songs too from time to time, but to find someone who doesn't speak the language but learned to sing it well... well, that's quite impressive.

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37 minutes ago, Marznafri Yagami said:

Wow, that's really impressive! I am from Malaysia, and there are many similarities between Bahasa Melayu (Malay language) and Bahasa Indonesia that most of the songs between the two countries can be released with little to no modifications to the lyrics. I know and sang some Indonesian songs too from time to time, but to find someone who doesn't speak the language but learned to sing it well... well, that's quite impressive.

Thank you so much! I try my best. I’m never entirely sure when the song is Malaysian, only if the person I joined tells me, “I didn’t know you know Malaysian songs, too!” Hehe.

On this topic, I’ve confirmed that the accounts are real, but no idea why they have honed in on me. They don’t appear to be friends of friends like I had originally thought. And sure enough, as I have blocked them, the blind loves don’t clog up my notifications anymore. But if I play my recordings, I can see 7-8 blind loves on each one, all from various accounts I have blocked.

So, in short, if you all are seeing blind loves on your recordings, you can block the offending accounts to stop their loves from showing up in your notifications.


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On 11/21/2023 at 4:13 AM, DuetWithAlli said:

Is it just me, or is anyone else receiving a flurry of blind loves on their recordings lately? It’s one of my biggest pet peeves.

Normally, I block people for doing this, but it’s different people every time, and they appear to be real accounts. 

Just curious, why do you call it blind love? How do you know for sure that the people didn't listen and liked the duet cos it sounds good? 

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2 hours ago, My2CentsWorth said:

Just curious, why do you call it blind love? How do you know for sure that the people didn't listen and liked the duet cos it sounds good? 

Well, I can’t be 100% sure, but I’m at least 92% sure. I don’t know why someone who isn’t following me and hasn’t interacted with me in any other way would randomly listen and love multiple of my collabs with various other partners.

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Well I do listen to singers that I don't follow - I go by the song.  Not the person.  Sometimes it's random, someone joins me,  and sounds great, then I check their profile and go through the songs he/ she sang. If there is an interesting title or a song I know, then I click and listen. And like if I think they sound great.  Note I am not following these 2 singers. And neither are they following me. 

So I don't think all likes are blind likes. Everyone smules differently,  just because you don't listen to ppl you don't follow doesn't mean others don't.  

And likely is not blind like if the profile is active. If you think positively,  isn't a bad thing if someone likes your song, right?

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I remember one OC I joined a couple years ago got a bunch of love for some reason. I figured it was because the person I joined was fairly popular. Later I thought maybe we had been trending or something? But it might have just been because she had thrown it into a love group. But who knows. I was pretty happy with how the performance turned out so I didn't really care either way. Hahaha.

But that only happened one time. At 39 likes, it's still the most popular duet I've ever been a part of.

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On 11/29/2023 at 9:11 AM, My2CentsWorth said:

Well I do listen to singers that I don't follow - I go by the song.  Not the person.  Sometimes it's random, someone joins me,  and sounds great, then I check their profile and go through the songs he/ she sang. If there is an interesting title or a song I know, then I click and listen. And like if I think they sound great.  Note I am not following these 2 singers. And neither are they following me. 

So I don't think all likes are blind likes. Everyone smules differently,  just because you don't listen to ppl you don't follow doesn't mean others don't.  

And likely is not blind like if the profile is active. If you think positively,  isn't a bad thing if someone likes your song, right?

Well, it is nice that you can think like that hehe. Maybe I’m too cynical. But I’m going by my experiences with people on Smule. And personally, I have to squeeze in listening to my own joins and collabs while doing housework, so I honestly don’t listen to collabs if I’m not part of them.

I might buy that notion if it was one random person who really likes me, but is too afraid to actually interact me. But several? I’m just not buying it.

Oh, and I had another thought on this. Even though they appear to be real accounts, I’m not sure how it is possible for them to see my recordings, much less listen and like them, since Smule changed the block feature. Now if I have an account blocked, wouldn’t that user only be able to see my recordings on the website? But to like my recordings, wouldn’t they have to be logged in? So I’m questioning how any of this is even possible.

It’s too time consuming to dig deeper into the accounts, which is why I simply block them rather than being annoyed by their activities on my account.

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On 11/29/2023 at 9:50 AM, Wishchip said:

I remember one OC I joined a couple years ago got a bunch of love for some reason. I figured it was because the person I joined was fairly popular. Later I thought maybe we had been trending or something? But it might have just been because she had thrown it into a love group. But who knows. I was pretty happy with how the performance turned out so I didn't really care either way. Hahaha.

But that only happened one time. At 39 likes, it's still the most popular duet I've ever been a part of.

It could be one of those things, maybe she shared it to a group or support chat, or sent it through messages asking for people to like it. There are also users who randomly like a bunch of recordings on their friends’ pages, hoping to get a bunch of likes in return. Only people who participate in these things understand the purpose of doing it, because I sure don’t. I also somehow had one of my recordings make it onto a Smule playlist (don’t even remember how I found out) and that’s why it got so many plays.

Congrats on your #1 single! Hehe

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Smule is just an app, made better when there are good singers who can hold a tune and enhance the tune. 

So I don't worry too much about likes/followers/listeners and the lack of all the above.  

Just remind yourself it's karaoke on a phone- sing and do just that. 

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6 hours ago, My2CentsWorth said:

Smule is just an app, made better when there are good singers who can hold a tune and enhance the tune. 

So I don't worry too much about likes/followers/listeners and the lack of all the above.  

Just remind yourself it's karaoke on a phone- sing and do just that. 

correct.. very well said.. 

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On 12/1/2023 at 8:48 PM, My2CentsWorth said:

Smule is just an app, made better when there are good singers who can hold a tune and enhance the tune. 

So I don't worry too much about likes/followers/listeners and the lack of all the above.  

Just remind yourself it's karaoke on a phone- sing and do just that. 

Smule is an app that different people use for different reasons. So some people will understand why the likes in my notifications bother me, and some people won’t. It’s not that I’m worried about those things; I’m worried about those things only in regards to the other person who is actually in the collab.

Some people will sing all day and prefer not to interact. Which is fine, you do you. But I don’t particularly like singing. For me, it’s more about making good collabs with good people. And if they take the time to make thoughtful comments, but they drop off of my notifications before I can respond because some lame people are desperately fishing for followers, that’s my issue.

Also, it was more a curiosity on my part, as it has been a long time since I’ve faced a barrage like this, and I’m wondering where it’s coming from. 

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  • Solution

So since I’ve been asked to mark the solution, I’m going to give the solution and be done with it. I have reached the conclusion that this is some kind of automated activity. The reason being that even though I’ve blocked the accounts, which should prevent the offending users from being able to see my recordings, they are still able to “like” my recordings. If this is happening to you, and it bothers you, you can block the accounts to keep this activity out of your notifications. If it doesn’t bother you, keep on with your bad self.

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  • 3 months later...
The Minty Clinch

I’ve been getting lots recently, usually from users in Asia who wouldn’t know the type of songs I do if they fell out of the sky right on to their heads. What gives? I know they haven’t listened to them because songs will have more likes than plays! It’s not a problem apart from clogging up my feed, but I’m interested in how and why it happens.

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19 hours ago, The Minty Clinch said:

I’ve been getting lots recently, usually from users in Asia who wouldn’t know the type of songs I do if they fell out of the sky right on to their heads. What gives? I know they haven’t listened to them because songs will have more likes than plays! It’s not a problem apart from clogging up my feed, but I’m interested in how and why it happens.

What’s the pattern? Is it a specific duet they like? Or something like all your most recent collabs in the profile? 

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The Minty Clinch

It's pretty random, but they come in clumps

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They are message groups in the Smule chat or they can make a regular group, they send your collab in there as well as their own invites and they all blind like each other songs to get their numbers and ego up. There are hundreds of groups, so blocking each person might take a while. I used to participate in a few and it’s quite embarrassing to mention. *facepalm* 

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The Minty Clinch

That is ridiculous, and symptomatic of our modern world. Thanks for the explanation 

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On 3/16/2024 at 1:04 PM, GinnyO2 said:

They are message groups in the Smule chat or they can make a regular group, they send your collab in there as well as their own invites and they all blind like each other songs to get their numbers and ego up. There are hundreds of groups, so blocking each person might take a while. I used to participate in a few and it’s quite embarrassing to mention. *facepalm* 

For me I just ignore and delete it.. I just dont like to waste my time those crappy things and just enjoy my singing and uploading songs... 

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Smule should create a switch to turn off the loves. Simple. 

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On 12/4/2023 at 9:11 PM, DuetWithAlli said:

If it doesn’t bother you, keep on with your bad self.


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