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Smule is not responding to my certain Complaints

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What to do if Smule Does Not reply or response to my certain complains? I have been complaining about the bloody corruptions, conducting by some members in Smule from some parts of ASIA Region, even I have given them some proof. But no actions were taken against those individuals. In fact those individuals suddenly blocked me!!! How did they know I was complaining against them??? The conversation was only between me and Smule Support Team.

Now, for the last 3-4 weeks Smule is not responding and replying at all whether I am asking them about these corruptions, if they handled or not. In fact all the Corruptors are now behind my back and trying to make chaos against me. One question remains here is that, 'HOW THE BLOODY THEY CAME TO KNOW ABOUT IT? WERE THEY BEEN NOTOFIED BY THE SMULE SUPPORT TEAM THAT I AM THE WHISTLE BLOWER?' If that so, then how we are going to rely on them? 

My question is, what to do further? Smule is not helping at all!!! What should be done now? I am a VIP user and I am using Smule for the last 4-5 years!!!

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23 hours ago, Bloody_Cannibal said:

What to do if Smule Does Not reply or response to my certain complains?

Smule will eventually reply but the timing varies and the outcome is usually “we warned them, and you need to block them.”  Honestly depending on the severity of the situation, simply ignoring, using the block feature, or contacting law enforcement, are the logical choices. It is terribly sad situations as this arise on the app, an app that if used for what is intended can bring a lot of joy. Unfortunately killjoys cannot stand happy users. 

I have to agree I do not think confidentiality is a consideration of Smule’s and that is certainly not good business. Probably has cost business. Employees interact with the users/customers on a personal level and that is not an ethical or beneficial practice for any type of business. I do not own the business but if I did that practice would stop immediately. 

I hope your issue is addressed quickly and to your satisfaction. Stay safe.

Edited by TheMajesticM
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On 4/12/2022 at 7:55 AM, Bloody_Cannibal said:

What should be done now?

I logged back in to give you what I feel is wise advice. Whatever you do do not reply to the users giving you problems. It is very difficult not to I know especially if you are not getting help from Smule. I have made snarky remarks to bullies in the past but in my defense they always started the confrontation in some way—always. I am sure they never relayed to Smule why they got their feelings hurt by me. They are always innocent (sarcasm). I was always taught to take up for myself. However, looking back, they were not worth my time to post an insult.

If your problem persists, keep contacting Smule and maybe someone from the company may see your post here and reply to you. 

Edited by TheMajesticM
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On 4/12/2022 at 9:55 PM, Bloody_Cannibal said:

What to do if Smule Does Not reply or response to my certain complains? I have been complaining about the bloody corruptions, conducting by some members in Smule from some parts of ASIA Region, even I have given them some proof. But no actions were taken against those individuals. In fact those individuals suddenly blocked me!!! How did they know I was complaining against them??? The conversation was only between me and Smule Support Team.

Now, for the last 3-4 weeks Smule is not responding and replying at all whether I am asking them about these corruptions, if they handled or not. In fact all the Corruptors are now behind my back and trying to make chaos against me. One question remains here is that, 'HOW THE BLOODY THEY CAME TO KNOW ABOUT IT? WERE THEY BEEN NOTOFIED BY THE SMULE SUPPORT TEAM THAT I AM THE WHISTLE BLOWER?' If that so, then how we are going to rely on them? 

My question is, what to do further? Smule is not helping at all!!! What should be done now? I am a VIP user and I am using Smule for the last 4-5 years!!!

Sorry but I don't quite understand your issues.. the word "CORRUPTION"  pertains to what? ..You have to understand that there are 2 sides of the Story... If you logged a complaint against someone doesn't mean that Smule will act straight away in your favour..they will do their own investigation and you re right they have been notified about your complaint to get their side..If you have a written evidences, pictures etc.. to back your complaint  that will help  resolve your issues.. 



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I understand your point. I am referring 'Corruption' as in- There are group of people from Asia region who are taking money from many members of Smule and share their songs in different support rooms on their behalf. They are promising them that those members songs will come to the KK chart no matter what! Even they are getting Likes in their songs. They have a rate like: For one Song to come to KK is $7, for 1000 Likes in a certain song is $7 or so. They have different rates like this. Even they offer to get followers for them. In fact I was offered many time through my Inbox. I made the complaints with proof to Smule against some of these individuals. Even I asked them to Monitor their Inbox Conversation to catch their theft! But Its been 3-4 months almost nothing has been resolved yet and no action was taken. Now they have stopped answering to my complaints. One other thing is that, Those individuals who are making business in Smule suddenly blocked me all at once! How come they come to know that I am the person who complained against them? Doesn't it mean that they have connection with the people working inside Smule? I checked and found out that they have different Agents handling different regions and they are from those regions too. If you go to my Smule channel you will find out how long I have been in Smule and how I was successful in getting my songs in KK chart by my own sweat! I have been into many KK Teams and in many support rooms. Now for the last 4-5 months I have refrained myself from those. Because whatever I do I don't get likes to my songs. Because those corrupted people have big groups who are in different KK Teams and in many support rooms. They are instructing the people not to give likes to my songs. I got pissed off by their deeds and started to make complains and stopped doing my songs for KK chart. So that is the history in short!!!

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So some smule members are paying money to get 1000 likes, or to get on top of some popular song list? I say these people are morons, but as the saying goes: a fool and his money are soon parted😁 Of course I've heard songs with lots of likes which are off-key or it's a VOC by a pretty girl - my reaction is, who the heck cares. It's apparently not bothering the smule admins whom you contacted, but it shouldn't bother you either. Some fool is paying money to another fool who's giving thousands of fake likes.. so what??

The only thing that smule admin will take quick action upon is something they care about. For example: if you report to them that there are people who are opening invites without being a VIP, that will get their attention real quick because it means they are not getting money that they should.

Sadly anything else that you report, they will be least interested. If you tell them that their new user interface sucks they'll tell you very nicely that they appreciate your feedback and please send your useful input to their support email, so they can safely ignore it without anybody else noticing that the majority of their users are saying the same thing😀

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14 hours ago, realyquick said:

So some smule members are paying money to get 1000 likes, or to get on top of some popular song list? I say these people are morons, but as the saying goes: a fool and his money are soon parted😁 Of course I've heard songs with lots of likes which are off-key or it's a VOC by a pretty girl - my reaction is, who the heck cares. It's apparently not bothering the smule admins whom you contacted, but it shouldn't bother you either. Some fool is paying money to another fool who's giving thousands of fake likes.. so what??

The only thing that smule admin will take quick action upon is something they care about. For example: if you report to them that there are people who are opening invites without being a VIP, that will get their attention real quick because it means they are not getting money that they should.

Sadly anything else that you report, they will be least interested. If you tell them that their new user interface sucks they'll tell you very nicely that they appreciate your feedback and please send your useful input to their support email, so they can safely ignore it without anybody else noticing that the majority of their users are saying the same thing😀

Yup you are right. That is exactly what is happening and I am sick and tired of it!!!!But Thanks for the advice...🙂

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If it’s not a backscratching club or group it will be something else, but people will pay, either with their time or their money, to get likes. It’s the reason Facebook and Instagram had a certain schedule for releasing your notifications so you got that dopamine hit just enough to keep you addicted.

The funny thing is once you get a ton of likes or followers you don’t care anymore, and it’s usually when you stop caring and just have fun that you start getting lots of likes and followers. 

I do think the amount of manipulation that goes into the hot performances algo and resulting performances is a bit flawed, but idk if maybe they changed it as it’s been a while. I got bored when they started rewarding likes without listens.  Songs with 36 likes and 10 listens would be “hot” while others with 100 likes but 200 listens (clearly a worse like ratio) was not. People purposely just hit the like and never listened to each other’s performances.  That was kind of lame.   I kind of miss the good ole days of the globe and it randomly picking songs to go in rotation, and no one really seemed to care about the rotation.

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7 hours ago, Xeroform said:

The funny thing is once you get a ton of likes or followers you don’t care anymore, and it’s usually when you stop caring and just have fun that you start getting lots of likes and followers. 

Hear hear

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On 4/13/2022 at 11:49 AM, realyquick said:

So some smule members are paying money to get 1000 likes, or to get on top of some popular song list? I say these people are morons

I say you’re right. 😂😂😂 

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On 4/14/2022 at 12:22 AM, Bloody_Cannibal said:

I understand your point. I am referring 'Corruption' as in- There are group of people from Asia region who are taking money from many members of Smule and share their songs in different support rooms on their behalf. They are promising them that those members songs will come to the KK chart no matter what!

You mean they are TAKING MONEY in return to Likes and Followers...well some people wanted to get famous in the blink of an eye and that's their choice.  I think its not illegal to buy likes and followers if that's what makes them happy, besides its from their hard earned money. Don't waste your time and energy to this case because Smule wont do any drastic action against to this people.  I know there are more worse cases than your case and  again nothing has been done they just asked you to  blocked these people involved 😞😞

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  • 4 weeks later...

you should be thankful that smule didn't terminate your account, they are the boss they take your money and they will never listen to you

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8 hours ago, Rogerlococo2020 said:

you should be thankful that smule didn't terminate your account, they are the boss they take your money and they will never listen to you

Is that So??? Ohhhh I am too Scared!!!Lol....

The thing is, Whenever you give money to a certain Company for  certain commodity or service you are bound to listen to the Consumers!!!

Smule is an App and we are using it for some certain entertainments. They are not the Boss. Its Users are the Boss-mind it!!! If all the Smule users of the world suddenly stop using the app, and uninstall that from their devices, what will happen? Its a service they are giving for our entertainment and they are bound to listen. They should know about the proverb- Customers/Consumers are always right!!! If they don't abide by this, then their service will be less qualified to run their operations!!!

I am assuming you don't know these facts, that is why you vouched for them!!!Or you may be from one of my Enemies Team Mate from Smule!!!

My suggestion for you will be, first read the whole topic and its contents and answers, then make a comment accordingly...Thanks...

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  • 2 years later...
On 5/8/2022 at 5:15 AM, LOST_SOUL said:

Is that So??? Ohhhh I am too Scared!!!Lol....

The thing is, Whenever you give money to a certain Company for  certain commodity or service you are bound to listen to the Consumers!!!

Smule is an App and we are using it for some certain entertainments. They are not the Boss. Its Users are the Boss-mind it!!! If all the Smule users of the world suddenly stop using the app, and uninstall that from their devices, what will happen? Its a service they are giving for our entertainment and they are bound to listen. They should know about the proverb- Customers/Consumers are always right!!! If they don't abide by this, then their service will be less qualified to run their operations!!!

I am assuming you don't know these facts, that is why you vouched for them!!!Or you may be from one of my Enemies Team Mate from Smule!!!

My suggestion for you will be, first read the whole topic and its contents and answers, then make a comment accordingly...Thanks...

Lol, I understand your whole situation clearly, probably more than you do. You totally got me wrong because I'm on your side. I'm saying Smule won't give a damn about you, and that is a cruel fact. You are being very naive to think they are a big company, so they should treat customers the right way. I hate Smule more than anybody, so how could I vouch for them? I know a lot of facts, a lot more than you do.

Son, I'm a big shot on Smule with over 200k followers and a lot of joiners. I don’t need to be a part of your  little Enemies Team Mate. It's a totally different level from me. My suggestion for you is: grow up and face reality. They do think that they are the boss.

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@LOST_SOUL This kind of 'corruption' seems to happen in every major social platform - Facebook, Twitter (X), Google. When you advertise on these platforms, there would always be a lot of fake clicks and followers. 

At least in Smule's case, they don't benefit directly from this activity, but other platforms do, because they are paid advertisements. Also, Smule is a relatively small company. I doubt they have the resources to follow up on all the complaints, even if the want to. 


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