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Smule adds Profile Stats (Beta)

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I mean...YAY STATS? Hahaha. I guess I can't be too critical of this, because these are the kinds of stats Duets FM has had for months now. Though I'm not sure these particular stats are available on Duets FM. I've seen that this feature shows your stats for 7, 30, and 90 days.

One of my immediate reactions that I'll share here: Like most things on Smule, it's just so egocentric. Where are the stats showing how many loves you gave, how many new people you followed, how many comments you gave, etc.?

Most of these are self-explanatory, with the exception of a couple (no blogs about this or the channel filter options, but a blog about the VTuber Lens? C'mon Smule): "Listens" might count how many songs you've listened to, though it's more likely it's counting how many of your own songs have been listened to. "Joined Recordings" probably counts how many OCs you joined (compared to "Joiners" which I assume counts how many people joined you), but everything else is just "show me how well I'm doing on my quest towards being Smule Famous."

It's kind of fun to see these stats as an "end of the year" thing like Smule did in 2023 (pic below), but it's fairly useless to me as a regular year-round feature.


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I like this feature. Let's keep it!!

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