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Smule blog: Coming Soon: Extend Your Invites with Coins

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Oh, that’s … interesting? I mean, not interesting. I am totally not interested in giving Smule more of my money just to have a level playing field. They can forget it!

Thank your for sharing the info, though.

Edited by DuetWithAlli
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Am I reading this correctly? Smule wants us to PAY to further extend our OCs? Hohoho, I can't imagine this going over well with ANYone.

But at least we're finally starting to see the real reason Smule took away non-expiring OCs. It's all about that cake, people!

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Yeah, and I said this already on my other post, but does it matter if you extend it if no one will see it anyway, because it will always be hidden behind the invites Smule extended themselves? They must really think people are stupid. They’re counting on it.

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So Smule is coming up with every trick in the book to make the users spend more of their hard earned money and it looks Smule has totally given up in improving their app..

4 years ago I had told the Smule development team to bring about some massive modifications in their app - like ability to change the pitch, tempo and volume of the karaoke track when recording an OC and singing live, bring back the ability to save sing live performances - why am I even singing in sing live if I cannot save the recording to listen to it later and learn and improve. Use these crappy gift giving during sing live to rank singers in sing live rooms and maybe if users are gifted specific high value gifts then the receivers can redeem these and some ÂŁ's taken off their next purchase of coins..

the score that is generated when you finish recording OC.. which is of no use anymore but maybe Smule can use it to rank the talent of the singer and give them an A+, A, A-, B+, B and so on ranking .. the higher the score or better the grade will mean how good one's singing is..i.e they can sing with the flow, with the pitch, with the tempo of the track

There were plenty of suggestions I have sent their way for past many years but when a company is only focused on selling coins and now selling gold badge then the app will continue to behave the way its meant to be

I am an uploader to and I have uploaded 77 tracks so far and each track is ranked 95% or more and many have been used thousand of times. I take my time to work on a track - I make sure that the pitch and tempo of the track is identical to the original soundtrack. I then listen to the original song and write the lyrics side by side to capture any hums/ fillers used by the singer during the song.. then ofcourse uploading a song on Smule site isn't an easy process but I have done it 77 times so far. What saddens me that Smule doesn't care about any recognition for uploaders like me who have uploaded quite a huge quantity of high quality tracks - these are the folks who should get some kind of "verified uploader" or that new gimmick called the gold verified tick mark for free but Smule is just thinking about selling us coins 

Edited by _MusiCoolPiyush_
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What this really means is that for anyone holding out hope that Smule would give back non-expiring invites to anyone, they can forget it. There's been lots of discussion online about suggesting that Smule should at least give back the ability of non-expiring invites to VIP subscribers since they're paid users. This would add value to VIP and would make it more attractive to non-VIP users.

But with this announcement, Smule is doubling-down and saying non-expiring invites are never coming back (well, except for all the exceptions you see everywhere. Pffft!) and if anyone thinks the free 14 day extension isn't long enough, they can pay for more time. And some users even predicted this months ago. As soon as Smule took it away, they said "how long until they give it back to us, but this time at a cost?"

As I said in another thread, for anyone complaining that the free 14 day extension wasn't good enough...with this announcement, suddenly 14 free days starts looking pretty good, doesn't it. It ends up being a clever way of Smule further shifting the discussion away from non-expiring OCs, because the goalposts have been moved. The discussion is now about the 14 free days versus paid extensions, rather than unlimited joins versus 14 free days.

Here's hoping that Smule doesn't move the goalposts again too soon into the future, where the 14 free days are either taken away or reduced, in exchange for spending more coins to further extend OCs.

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@_MusiCoolPiyush_ That’s sad! Honestly, I think uploaders should be eligible for checkmark verification, and for free. That is a lot of work you’re doing for Smule. As far as making suggestions, I feel like Smule only cares if they hear the same suggestion/complaint a hundred times, or if they hear it from one of their popular singers. 

And you’re right, just like the new verification program, this is definitely a money grab. Like I told Smule, about 90% of the people I used to sing with have dropped vip or quit singing entirely. Maybe I’m right? And so they’re trying to shake down the people who are still willing to pay for vip, to get more money out of them.

Edited by DuetWithAlli
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On 11/19/2023 at 9:38 PM, _MusiCoolPiyush_ said:

I am an uploader to and I have uploaded 77 tracks so far and each track is ranked 95% or more and many have been used thousand of times. 

Far as I'm concerned, uploaders are the unsung heroes of Smule. I can't count the number of times I've thought "Holy cow I can't believe THAT song is on Smule!!"

12 hours ago, DuetWithAlli said:

they’re trying to shake down the people who are still willing to pay for vip, to get more money out of them.

I wouldn't be surprised if VIP subscriptions have plateaued and Smule figures that rather than try to attract users to subscribe to VIP, they'll just go after the VIP crowd, because they've already proven they're willing to pay to use the app.

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I said it when they released the “gifts”, a complete nonsense: people give you gifts, they expect you to give them gifts and in the end you end up tired, everything becomes a dance of gifts in which the only beneficiary is the app. Now they not only want to charge you the subscription money, but they want more money.

The worst thing is the error in the concept of the application. If I sing a song, and I can't do it better, I dress in a nice suit and make a nice video, what's the point? For it to expire in a week? Not worth it.

In the end I pay the VIP to sing my solos, correct my singing mistakes in private, some group singing with myself which is very fun and little else. And if I make some OC I'm not going to put in much effort because they will all expire in a week.

I’ve uploaded more or less 10 songs but I only do it when I want to sing a song that it’s not in Smule or a friend ask me to do it because he/she wants to sing it. Apart from those cases it is not worth it because Smule is not going to pay you or give you anything.

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