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Trending songs should be based on my language of singing, but it shows based the country from where I use Smule. Why?

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I live in USA, but I sing songs in my native language Tamil, which comes from India. I have a big group of friends from India with whom I sing regularly in Smule. Each one of them shares screenshots of their collabs shown in "Trending recordings" and gets a big praise and appreciation. That's the social happiness you get when sharing these achievements. However, when I view Smule from USA, I never got any of my song trending 😟 even though it had a considerable number of likes, comments or plays so far. A friend of mine who just joined an invite five minutes ago got his song trending because he is in India and many people viewed his collab at same time or liked them. However, when I share a song and I get similar number of likes or views, my collab has never been shown as trending when I view from USA (nor for my friends viewing from India). It shows only English songs all the time. Why is this so? One of my friend from Malaysia also tells that they only see Malay language songs in their trending list though they sing in Tamil with lot of followers from India. Smule should cover all songs based on the language when accounting for trending songs instead of using the location from where a user uses the app. There are many people who live in a country but come from a different country and language. Smule is one way of connecting people and being social by happily singing in their native language.

Edited by ItsMeRKSinger
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