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Smule set up with SM58 along with Yamaha MG06X

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I tried using a professional mic ( SM58) along with Yamaha MG06X mixer with my Iphone12 and few connecting leads after watching few YouTube videos. The sound outcome was very dissapointing with whatever setup I preferred with my set up compared to previous simple set up using my phone alonwith Sony made ex155ap earphone with mic. I even contacted the YouTuber with whom I shared my recording and he went sort of puzzled. I wanted a crisp sound output, better on treble with full voice capture but the end result was a disaster. Couldn’t make out even after 6 years on smule as to what set up people use for a good output. 
Hopelessly I switched on to the earlier set up…while my investment takes rest in my closet since then.

Edited by Anshuman
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I would only add a mixer if I wanted to, well, mix something, for example voice + guitar. 
As a tool for sound improvements, it’s probably not that good. 

Smule should really add an equalizer feature. It would solve such issues easily. But I guess they are determined to keep it simple and avoid any kind of “professional audio recording” options. 

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Yes I do agree with you as I do miss something like an equaliser on Smule. The current provision of room size and reverb do not always give desirable combinations, if you are keen listener and particular about niceties of sound viz, of various instruments used in the track and the way one wants it and own sound to appear in the final output. I feal that Smule should invest in to improvise their systems especially when they charge a good amount from VIP users as well.

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Most earphones/headsets don’t work well as their microphones are optimized for phone calls or talking in general, not singing. 

The wired Apple EarPods are the exception. They sound great and they are even cheap. I have a professional condenser singing microphone, but most of the time, I just use the EarPods. 

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