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Why do I occasionally get a lot of joins from random people?

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It’s a nice surprise when it happens because my number of joins are very low 👇🏽😐 normally. But once in awhile I’ll get a LOT of joins from random people (they aren’t necessarily following me or following my friends). For example, I once sang a song when it was new and only one person joined and sang it again a year later and maybe a couple people joined. Then I sang recently on a whim when the song is now 4 years old and joins went into double digits from totally random people which surprised me! It’s not like I sang it any better this time around. 

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I usually decide to sing a song first and look for other singers to join. I quickly go through those who have posted that song and pick the first singer that I like. 

It is possible that when you posted it this time, your invite appeared at the top of Smule's search list, which increases the probability of being found. 

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2 hours ago, Duets.fm said:

I usually decide to sing a song first and look for other singers to join. I quickly go through those who have posted that song and pick the first singer that I like. 

It is possible that when you posted it this time, your invite appeared at the top of Smule's search list, which increases the probability of being found. 

I suppose that could be a reason. Maybe if I post a song when it’s new and it’s popular, the list might be over saturated with OCs and so mine might be less likely to be chosen to join, and more likely to get lost in the crowd.

Other times maybe things happen to line up just right where a bunch of people just happened to feel like singing it and I just so happened to post it at that time?

Anyway whatever the reason for joins, it’s nice to be able to reactivate OCs and get a second chance to put them out there. But it seems so random to me when I do happen to get a lot of joins from people I don’t know (who aren’t following me)  …I always go hmmm 🤔 🧐🤷🏻‍♀️🙃 interesting! 

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