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Smule blog: The Smule Olympics Competition is back!

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It’s that time of year again…
The 5th Annual Smule Olympics Competition is back!

The competition has proven to be a great team building activity year by year, and many look forward to showcase all the talent in their teams on this first of its kind. Teams start with a group song and then they have a representative compete in each event individually while still representing their teams and accumulating medals (points) for them. There are 10 events this year, and they are: 90’s Pop, A Cappella, Folk, Global (songs that are in other languages than English), Metal, Neo-Soul, Rap, Trios, Tunes (TV & Movies Music, and Musicals, and Video).

How can you register? Read the rules in the competition’s website, create a group song with all your team members, fill out the form with your teams information and submit your song by the registration deadline. Registration deadline is Monday, September 23rd at 11:59pm EST. If you do not have a team, you can still compete by listing yourself to be recruited in the website, or submitting your qualifying song as a solo (after the registration round).

Who wins the competition? The team with most points accumulated at the end of the competition, and there is a “Champ” for each event of the competition.
More details can be found in www.smuleolympics.com

This is a community competition. The administrators are creator @iSuperPaola, and admins: @KylahhMonster, @iSuperDenise, @TallT413, @o_A_C_o, @Just_Millie_, @LOM_Joshy, @iSuperTC_Vicious and @itsyumibabyyy

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