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Smule Community is a bastion of mediocrity rewarding itself.

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The Smule community is largely narcissistic  individuals with very little talent. If you are not shallow, putting on a fake persona and you also are talented you will largely be ignored. There is a great quote that incapsulates the Smule community “Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself; but talent instantly recognizes genius.” ― Arthur Conan Doyle 

There are some very talented singers here but in order to succeed you must be inauthentic, and a complete kiss ass because that is what the community largely rewards. 

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On 10/23/2021 at 8:23 PM, Ashes2Flame said:

The Smule community is largely narcissistic  individuals with very little talent. If you are not shallow, putting on a fake persona and you also are talented you will largely be ignored. There is a great quote that incapsulates the Smule community “Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself; but talent instantly recognizes genius.” ― Arthur Conan Doyle 

There are some very talented singers here but in order to succeed you must be inauthentic, and a complete kiss ass because that is what the community largely rewards. 

Tell us how you really feel. 😂 

It's an app.  There is no succeeding other than getting what you hope to get from it.

So, what happened that pissed you off?

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It’s an app. It’s an app. It’s an app.  Don’t let it get to you. If they want to suck their way to get to the highlights for a free $39.99 annual subscription or a T-shirt more power to them. You do you and don’t worry about anyone else. They’re not going anywhere … I don’t know of one person who has become successful from Smule or any karaoke app. It’s KARAOKE! Relax

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On 10/23/2021 at 8:23 PM, Ashes2Flame said:

The Smule community is largely narcissistic  individuals

I logged back onto this site to clarify I was addressing the “narcissistic individuals” you referenced in your statement. Not all users are that way. There are talented users who are overlooked on the app, either from not wanting to be noticed or as you stated don’t like to use suction. I know firsthand I have submitted names of talented users and to my knowledge they were never acknowledged. If I were involved in management on this app that wouldn’t fly but I am not and you can’t tell them anything. Closed minds and cliques are running the app and that’s not good business. Technology great; management sucks! 

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The Smule app is supposed to be for fun and entertainment. People just want to sing with their friends and find new ones to sing with. If you want to get noticed and be popular because of your singing talent, you should do live streaming in sessionslive.com or open a youtube channel.

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I wouldn’t think too much about this because it’s basically social media. People go on there looking for sugar mamas and sugar Papas. 🤣 I go on there just sing and sometimes I’m so exhausted from work that I don’t even realize I’m singing. But it is a good way for struggling artists to get noticed. They have their groups so I wouldn’t think too much about it. Just do you. Enjoy your friends, sing for yourself and don’t let anything else bother you. Smule has gone downhill big-time. The new homepage is ridiculous. I can never find my bookmarks songs that I want to join. But it is what it is. Don’t let it bother you too much.

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He/she/it isnt too wrong with that opinion 😉 It is not only the people who want to be famous and think they can sing. Its a awful lot of bullying and outgrouping. If you are in a group and you dont do as you would always share the same opinion you are faster alone on this app as you can look around. Bitching, talking behind your back....I almost got kinda paranoid when I was very active. In the end I found out that there must be 90% of all Smuleuser in need of a psychologist. Its not a lie...they are all f...ed up like hell. Its a nice app, but the community is sick. Of course, to clarify, not all...but I would say the majority 😉 

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8 hours ago, sing_for_sanity said:

But it is a good way for struggling artists to get noticed.

With all due respect I agree with most of your comment but not the one about struggling artists. Smule does not have the best reputation so any struggling artist better not attach it to his or her name. Practice on the app is about the only benefit for a struggling artist on the app and I recommend an alias for that. I think the app hurt the young girl who made it to The Voice. My opinion (freedom of speech). There is so much envy and hatred on the app so it is not hard to believe that some of the wicked users or groups on the app would deliberately vote against anyone from Smule, especially if she is pretty too. 

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2 hours ago, MrLue001 said:

I found out that there must be 90% of all Smuleuser in need of a psychologist.

Sadly true. I was just telling one of my Smule friends the same and for some reason I must look like a therapist. I have plenty of empathy for everyone, I really do, but I want to sing in peace, another reason I don’t like the chat feature. I wish Smule would give users the option to completely turn it off or eliminate the chat. I know the developers could do it but getting it approved by management would be the task. 

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I want to elaborate on my last comment. I don’t mind listening to anyone in distress but I recently had a user to start a conversation with me on the app and the individual had a lot of serious issues. I am not qualified to advise anyone on their mental health, reason I stated I must give off some kind of vibes I am a therapist. I did recommend the person seek help. I then logged off of the app and went to sleep for the night. The next morning I logged back on to the app and the user had left several messages throughout the night and the individual was not happy. I did explain I have a family and I had to sleep; therefore, I was not ignoring the messages. The user told me they would not be chatting with me again and to be honest I was and am grateful. The user unfollowed me and again I was and am grateful. My point is even though this user had major issues and I genuinely felt sorry for the person but I just want to sing. I hope the user will be okay 

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  • 10 months later...

One thing is for sure - app like Smule has definitely taught many to simply lie and praise the singing of those talentless many. Bear this in mind, If these folks weren't on their way to the hell in the past then Smule definitely is their "highway to hell".

The amount of lies, fake appreciation, fake comments, fake likes and inauthentic praise that I have seen in Smule is matched by none. We seriously have many groups in Smule that have 3-5K members and its operated/founded by those who can't even sing CDEFGAB in tune - these groups have rules that every member will post 5-10 songs each day which every other member has to like (doesn't matter whether you hear the song or not just like it) and that is a forced rule. There are people who are literally wasting their time on this planet by keeping a tab on who all hasnt liked their quota of songs or who isnt active enough in the group and isn't participating in the mass fake likes or mass fake comments or mass fake appreciation of a talentless member. There is no concept of community where people come to help each other to become better at singing because that requires honest constructive feedback which is hard to do if every member who sings is just made to sit on the iron throne and worshipped like a God for their "awesome", "amazing", "excellent", "fantastic", "fabulous", "mind blowing" singing capability. You do not have any concept of community in Smule because its all about groups, groups within the groups, the groupism mentality. Same singers singing with each other day after day and repeating the same songs again and again and again - its just become too stagnant and I just can't stand it.

I am more inclined towards just recording solo songs, listen to them, record again, listen again because apparently the only critic one can have in this app filled with fake appreciation is you yourself. I don't even like to join any live jams where same set of people are singing (wont even call it singing - maybe making noise) and repeating the same songs. I simply open my own live jam and continue to sing what I like to sing (time is precious - why waste it in queuing up in live jams) and the header of my jam is always clear #DoNotQueue

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Oh there are good singers here for sure, but mostly there are mediocre ones and then there are tone deaf ones.  

Such a joy listening to the good singers 😀

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/26/2022 at 10:15 PM, _MusiCoolPiyush_ said:

One thing is for sure - app like Smule has definitely taught many to simply lie and praise the singing of those talentless many. Bear this in mind, If these folks weren't on their way to the hell in the past then Smule definitely is their "highway to hell".

A little harsh judgment there. Damning them to hell for being courteous. What a racket it would be to tell everyone they suck 😂 Maybe their hearing is different than yours.  Be realistic. It’s a karaoke app and there are not going to be too many Elton Johns or Celine Dions on it, but I wouldn’t go as far as to describe others as “talentless.” However I do think if a user is talented on a professional level we would be watching them in concert, sooner or later. The app is good for practice for serious singers. 
But now there is nothing wrong with giving a compliment to other users? Cliché as it is but the saying is true, “If you can’t say anything nice then keep your mouth shut.” No need in users being a prick or a prude… sadly I have encountered a few over the years. Miserable souls.

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On 9/26/2022 at 10:15 PM, _MusiCoolPiyush_ said:

We seriously have many groups in Smule that have 3-5K members and its operated/founded by those who can't even sing CDEFGAB in tune - these groups have rules that every member will post 5-10 songs each day which every other member has to like (doesn't matter whether you hear the song or not just like it) and that is a forced rule. There are people who are literally wasting their time on this planet by keeping a tab on who all hasnt liked their quota of songs or who isnt active enough in the group and isn't participating in the mass fake likes or mass fake comments or mass fake appreciation of a talentless member. There is no concept of community where people come to help each other to become better at singing because that requires honest constructive feedback which is hard to do if every member who sings is just made to sit on the iron throne and worshipped like a God for their "awesome", "amazing", "excellent", "fantastic", "fabulous", "mind blowing" singing capability. You do not have any concept of community in Smule because its all about groups, groups within the groups, the groupism mentality.

I agree with your comment on the groups with the rules. Pure silliness. It takes away the joy, reason I don’t do groups with foolish rules. 

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On 9/26/2022 at 10:15 PM, _MusiCoolPiyush_ said:

I am more inclined towards just recording solo songs

As burnt out as you sound singing solos might be good for you for a while. I love singing solos. 

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These comments are making me glad that I don't engage in any of the social media aspects of the app. Thanks for the heads up!

On the other hand, in its purest form, singing has been shown to be a joyful and uplifting experience for the singer. It generates a sense of positive mood, happiness and enjoyment. Such positive feelings also counteract feelings of stress or anxiety and help to distract people from internal negative thoughts and feelings.  Expressing emotions through song can be healing, even if you are just singing to yourself, and even if one is a terrible singer.

Yes, people tend to say nice things to people who try to sing beautiful songs on Smule, even if they struggle to do so.  Perhaps it is the heart behind the trying that really counts, not the end result.  Moreover, people being too kind, encouraging and polite to each other is a good problem to have relative to most of the discourse on the internet.

Also, there is a certain irony in saying that mediocre amateur singers on Smule, many of whom are just enjoying singing and trying to learn how to sing better, are narcissists, when there are very few people more narcissistic than amateurs or professional entertainers lucky enough to have been randomly blessed with great talent that love to show off their gift.  The masses worship great singers like they are gods because they can make interesting noises come out of their faces.  At the end of the day, these folks were given a unique talent by sheer happenstance, and yet they think it makes them better human beings.  Often the contrast between what the public says they are and what they know in their hearts that they really are (flawed humans like the rest of us) drives them crazy.

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Hmm … not much more I can add here. Everyone makes some great points that encapsulate what Smule is … even what you say can be quite true, OP. But above all, the best advice is from @TheMajesticM “you do you”. There are many reasons people use Smule — good singers, bad singers, everything in between — all use Smule for their own reasons. And who are we to judge someone else’s reasons, to ruin someone else’s good time? Find people you like, sing solo, try another app. All valid options you are welcome to try.

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This thread, as well as the one about "Need info on higher authority" demonstrates a strange illness among many smule community members.

You get a comment saying you sang beautifully. Maybe another one says you're the best. You like it. You figure out a way to get lots of likes from people who don't even hear your collab. You get lots of emoji-filled comments.

You start believing it all. Now you want more and more appreciation and fame. You want to trend. You want lots of people to listen to you. Suddenly you have become a mini rock star in your own mind.

The sad thing is that you are a legend only in your own mind.. You'll never have a career as a singer or a rock star. You won't make a penny off smule. In fact you'll spend loads of money on the overpriced Smule subscription. Maybe you even buy their meaningless paid gifts. And now we know people even pay to get likes and to trend, much to the jealousy of others who crave that recognition, rather than the simple pleasure of singing to music.

I say to these suckers: save your money, and stick to your day job. Smule just benefits from your craziness with their stupid gifts and trends. Heck, I actually block people who pop in to give me a bunch of unwanted serial likes on my collabs.

Mediocrity? Bastion? Fraud? Lighten up and enjoy the singing.

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11 hours ago, realyquick said:

strange illness among many smule community members.

You think the same as my husband! 🥹 He is always quoting to me “music soothes the savage beasts” when I inform him of some of the happenings on the app. He tried the app for a short while for me and he could not believe the behavior. He never discourages me from singing on the app but he uninstalled it and never returned. 

I am right with you regarding the serial likes. I’ve even politely tagged the users and asked them to stop. As mean as this may seem to many, I have deleted the song, but if I really like it, I save it first. I wish Smule Support would develop an option so we can turn off the love notifications.  

I don’t consider myself a sucker for buying gifts. I enjoy giving, but I have stopped for now since there was a comment on this site and I also heard someone speaking about it in a Live Jam insinuating Smule may hire people to join users so they will buy the gifts. I will still purchase during holidays. I love to send gifts to my sing friends. 

Yes, a few users came to mind who think a little too highly of themselves. I don’t cater to them or surround myself with those types. I have a list of users who I think could actually succeed with a musical career but they’re always overlooked. I dislike the jealous word but maybe the Voices Of Smule are jealous … I have submitted names before a few years back and they were never acknowledged. So your post is on point. This app is to be taken lightly and everyone needs to sing for their own enjoyment. 

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I find the smule gifts a big scam because they are just stickers, some of which are ridiculously priced. If the Smule owner had a bit of decency, he would allow a certain total value of paid gifts collected by a singer to be traded for something with a bit of value - such as, say, a free membership - or maybe allow you to use it to gift a week or month of VIP to a good singer who's not currently a VIP. But no, they want to charge big bucks for an stupid little sticker and give you nothing in exchange.

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4 hours ago, realyquick said:

maybe allow you to use it to gift a week or month of VIP to a good singer who's not currently a VIP.

I like the gifts. That’s the material girl in me 😜😂 but I also love giving and I honestly am a cheerful giver. God knows. And I do know there are far more important things I should spend money towards. I too wish Smule would allow users to purchase yearly VIP membership for other users at $29.99 a year (reasonable cost if you’re gifting). The company needs a ❤️ 


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9 hours ago, realyquick said:

I find the smule gifts a big scam because they are just stickers, some of which are ridiculously priced.

My main concern is that they have completely ruined the fun of gifting in the new updates. Even paid gifts are not visible unless you tap on the Gifts link. It has become necessary to check the link always to not miss a gift you received.

Compare this with how it used to be about 2 years ago. The gifts used to be shown automatically moving from one end of the screen to the other with the name of the sender with it. The profile page also had a Gifts section where the top gifter was listed along with the gifts. Though there was no mention about the second to say tenth top gifter, I was willing to forgive it.😁 The new haphazard menu design has relegated the Gifts section to the bottom of the About page! And I stopped sending paid gifts because I didn't want to mention in the comments that I have sent a paid gift and do not miss it.🙄 I also have missed a few paid gifts sent to me.😔 So every time I open a recording, I have to check the Gifts also so that I  may not miss any.

And I agree that they keep adding all kinds of stickers with exorbitant price tags on them. Nowadays I keep my altruistic tendencies in check and select the cheapest gift. Otherwise, the activity has an unwholesome effect on the shape of my thin wallet.🤪


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5 hours ago, TheMajesticM said:

I too wish Smule would allow users to purchase yearly VIP membership for other users

in exchange for gifts?🤔

Knowing smule, it certainly is not going to happen. I think they are categorically against anything that will reduce their revenue.

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10 hours ago, realyquick said:

allow a certain total value of paid gifts collected by a singer to be traded for something with a bit of value - such as, say, a free membership

Users would love it. But hard to expect it from smule.😁

Allowing to send the received gifts to another also would be a good idea. But that will also cut their income.😁

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12 hours ago, sdr said:

Users would love it. But hard to expect it from smule.😁

Allowing to send the received gifts to another also would be a good idea. But that will also cut their income.😁

That would actually motivate me to buy their paid gifts, which I don't now. And a new user who's had a taste of VIP for a  month might well be motivated to buy a full subscription. But this Jeffrey dude is making so much money off us with his overpriced fees (from "millions" of paying users) despite the app being broken in so many ways, that he doesn't care about any of this - just so long as the money keeps rolling in😄

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